Chapter 161 SiSi Calm Gone

Once I enter the apartment, I walk straight to the living room, I see SiSi is whisking a bowl of egg.

"I'm back," I announce to SiSi

She swats it with her spoon.

"Get lost! I've got so much to do! And I got a bunch of order to settle," She's flustered which she's never been like this before.

She always stays put and calm. But now obviously she doesn't.

Hmm. What's got her in this state?

"Hmm," I hum.

"Funny?" she snaps, tipping flour onto the measuring scales.

I take the sensible decision to leave it right there, but then she asks;

"Hey, darling. How's your brother?" she asks.

"Oh. He's good." I won't go into too many details.

"President Feng?"  she asks, her tongue hanging out as she bends down to gage the scales.

"Erm, he's fine," I flop down into one of the chairs.

She straightens up and looks at me questioningly.