Chapter 163 He's Not Even Here

At five o'clock, I got back to the office and find Yi Lan in my office.

"Nice flowers." She says.

I look up and see Yi Lan standing at my desk. Her face got back normally, but no less miserable than she was this morning.

"Are you okay?" I ask, wondering if Fu Heng managed to extract any information.

"Not really." She answers quietly.

"Do you want to elaborate?" I prompt.

She shrugs.

"Not really." She says.

I try not to look bored, but it's bloody hard. This is a typical case of someone wanting desperately to elaborate, but also wanting the dramatic buildup of someone pleading with them for information. I've had the longest day of my twenty-two-year history.

Of course, I haven't the energy to tease information out of her. Then I get up and head for the kitchen to get some biscuits. I need a lump of sugar to add.

Later, I find Er Xi washing up.

"Hi, Jie," she says happily.