Chapter 243 Great Big Ruby


"Then why don't you just tell me all of this before instead of letting my mind pondered with a curiosity?"

He frowns.

"Why would I trouble you with that trivial matter from my jobs?" He asked.

Yeah, why is it?

Now I can see his point, but I should know, especially if it involves a woman wanting my man.

Then I hold his eyes as he continues to circle his thumbs over the tops of my hands.

His chest is heaving under me and his jaw tenses to snapping point. His grip tightens on my hands, clenching down fiercely. I fight with his grip of me, getting tense with my touch the harder he holds me.

"NOT TODAY! MY LADY!" He flips me over so I'm facing down and he is blanketing me with his body.

Before I could protest, his fingers move straight to my hip and dig right in...hard.

Immediately I scream for being tossed into hell by his unrelenting digs.