Chapter 260 Fucking Mad

Then I start to clamber from the bed, but I'm met by the fierceness of Feng Teng. He picks me up and starts for the door, we meeting SiSi on the way.

"Go, get her stuff," he orders, striding past her.

"What's going on?" Kevin jumps up from the chair outside the room.

"She was drugged," Feng Teng states flatly.

He doesn't stop to give any further explanation.

"Oh shit!" The horror in Kevin voice is clear.

Then I hear SiSi heels trying to keep up with us.

"What? Like indecent assaulted?" SiSi cry.

"Yes, just like fucking assaulted," he shouts as he proceeds down the corridor with me in his arms.

"Now I'm taking her home," Feng Teng growls.

We emerge into the morning air, and I squint at the offensive, harsher natural light. And I'm lowered into the DBS and secured in my seatbelt. I flinch when the door closes, and then I hear the mumble of voices outside the car.