Going Back

-Maidens POV-

"Come have a breakfast with us…Mina is His Excellency still asleep?..". (Elijah)

Seeing Mina finally come down from the stairs, Elijah, Andrea, Bina and Rafaela were already in the around the table enjoying their pleasing breakfast meal in the dining hall along with several other maidens. If this was before, at this time all of them were probably still be starving and naked, but ever since the new master saved them, their lives have changed completely.they probably have a far better lifestyle compare to any commoners and nobles in Fantasma.

"Yes Sister Elijah, Although His excellency looks very occupied by something, he's been writing a lot for the last 2 days..also, Sister Andrea His Excellency wants his morning coffee..".

Hearing Mina, Andrea Leave her seat and start making the instant coffee, she knows her master always drank coffee in the morning, that's why she already have the hot water standby and ready.

"By the way Sis, how's His excellency doing with his language learning?..making progress?". (Bina)

Whilst stuffing large piece of bread and soup in her mouth, Bina casually ask Elijah who seated next to her.

"Bina!, Mind your manners!…stop stuffing your face like that!…His Excellency hates this kind of manner, geez!...…The lesson already ended, he already mastered the language..His excellency is a brilliant and a Magnificent High Human, such meddlesome matter is not a challenge for him….Bina!, Manners!!..". (Elijah)

"…Ouch…Opps sorry…hehehe". (Bina)

Amidst Elijah praise for her master, Bina still stuffing her mouth with bread, which angered Elijah and made her slap Bina heads, Their banter made all the maidens in the dining room chuckled. This peaceful and delight environment were once only their dreams, and now thanks to one man they finally find their dreams comes true.

"Sister Elijah…I will take his Excellency coffee to his room now..". (Andrea)

Elijah nodded, On her hands was a tray of a unique and extravagant coffee sets made from a crystal clear glass, which His Excellency gave to Andrea for her to prepare his coffee. The Precious Coffee sets wasn't the only unique items that his Excellency has, he also brought out many things, such as high quality spices, magically potent medicine, Smartphone (Which is very mysterious). Although it seems weird at first, but they all were very helpful, it even makes their lives much more comfortable than before.

-End POV-

"Sire, it's Andrea,…may I come in?..". (Andrea)

"Hnnn….Come in…".

"Here's your coffee Sire..". (Andrea)

"Thanks..How's Everyone doing?..".

"Great, everything is moving according to schedule…it's only been 4 days since we following the schedule, but the result already can be seen..". (Andrea)

It's true, I can see the changes on all the maidens. All of them become much more healthy and prettier, their performance in learning also displayed a significant improvement.

"Hmnn…just tell Elijah to continue the good job,….".

"Yes Your Highness…Sire, if I may…can I ask you a question?..". (Andrea)

"....Sure, ask away..".

"Ever since you've save us, and become our master…you've never once touch any of us…..yet, all you do is nurture us, giving us a comfort of life that not even a normal commoner can enjoy…why is that?..". (Andrea)

Although her face was slightly redden by her questions, I hear the wariness in her tone. From day one I never gave them any task that a normal slave would do, instead I made sure all they basic needs were met. In the end this world is still a Medieval Fantasy world, where slaves were just a possession and as a slave they need to be use (No matter for what), if they were not then people around you would start doubting whether you were powerful or even qualified to be in power, As for the slaves they will started to think that they were not needed and probably being feed just to become a sacrificed in some forbidden magic ritual.

".....I nurture you all, because you all were mine…I need my maidens to become strong and smarter…stronger than any soldier out there…Smarter than any scholar out there…I want my Kingdom to prosper…as for why I'm not touching all of you…well…you see, I'M a gentlemen…that's mean I'm not gonna touch you it you were sick or hurt….but that's doesn't mean I'm not interested…the easiest way to see this whole situation was, I'm different from any man in this world…so don't expect me to act as any normal male you know…".

Andrea was Fidgeting when she heard my answer. In Actuality, if I never distracted myself, I would already taste all of the maidens, but I'm not some barbaric that only thinks with his dick, beside all of them were hurt and also I worried about hygiene and probably STD (Well they were the bandits 'Toy' before). I guess hearing that I do need to touch them now, I should buy test kit and female hygiene products.

"I apologize if my quetion bring you any discomfort your excellency… ". (Andrea)

"It's okay…By the way, call Elijah to meet me, now..".

"Right away Your Excellency…". (Andrea)

A few minutes, Elijah and Mina comes into my room.

"Your Excellency, You ask for me?…". (Elijah)

"Ah..yes…for the next few days, I will be leaving for some work…so, in the meantime I need you to be in charge…here's what I need you to do in the meantime…..If the slaves got here before me, make sure to process them into our records….".

"Your excellency….are you leaving us?..". (Mina)

I can see that my statement causes Both of them to be shocked and worried, Especially Mina. After all the maidens was kinda attached to me now.

"Well, yeah…BUT only for a short while…just for a few days…don't worry about it…just make sure to follow the schedule…".

"Yes Your Excellency…when will you be leaving?..". (Elijah)

"Today, just don't look for me if I gone suddenly…anyway, that is all….continue your work like normal..".

I hope they will do just fine, but knowing Elijah I know she will make sure that they will do just fine by themselves. I already have my backpack ready, the only things that I brought home with me is the Dimensional Storage rings which store tons of gold coins.

"T.A.S…Let's go…".

[ Roger that….Initiating Traveller system…in 3…2..1…].

"Fuhhhhhhhh~...I'm home….ughh…dust…guess I have to clean up now…".

It's been a month and a half since I left for Fantasma, it felt good to come back to civilizations, but now that I back in my small house, dust were already piled up, and I hate it. As soon as I put down my bag, I started to clean up my house foe 2 hours.

Seeing my house finally squeaky clean, now I can finally have a nice and comfortable hot bath. I rarely admired myself, but seeing my reflection in the mirror, I can't believe how magnificent I look. It's been a while since I wear my black suit, since I have some business to do, I have to wear them. As I firmly lock the front door, I pulled out my phone and called Ken.

"Hmm…looking sharp,….okay….Hello…".

"{…Hello!… Mies!! my man how are ya?….}". (Ken)

"good…Hey remember old Terry?…".

Old Terry was someone whom both of us know back from our old time, he was a fencer for the mafia and my old team mate. He own a pawn shop somewhere in the down town.

"{Old Terry?…I remember him…why?…}". (Ken)

"I got some business to do with him…send me his shop address…".

"{Sure…hey, I going to buy groceries later, want me to pick you up?..we can go there together….}". (Ken)

"Well…why not…sure, I'll be waiting…".

"{Sweet!…Okay see you later then…..}.". (Ken)

Now that Ken coming to pick me up, i think this will make things much more easier. But knowing him, its best for me to get back inside and watch TV for awhile.