Operation 'Humanitary' Pt 1

"Base, this is Airforce 2, target captured success, confinement procedure complete…you are free to move in..I repeated you are free to move in..".

The call that just came in was a confirmations that the abominations has been safely extracted, Elijah, Mina and Rafela were the one who fly the helicopter and retreive it personally and send it into the Secret Prison in the Military base basement. As for me and the 500 Aeternum soldier already stationed in temporary refugee base or Foerward Operating Base at the Tri-Nation Valley, about 1000 tents complete with all kind of necessary equipments for the operations already being set up for use. 10 helicopter already up in the air, heading to all the participant, sending phones and map to where they supposed to convened and send to. Right now the participant only way of communications to me was radio broadcast that was playing the whole thing live.

This operation mainly was to show the power of Aeternum, through our military strength, technology and to show that Aeternum was on another league of any nations. I can just let them go in blind then when they were in pinch I come in and help, but doing that would make them easily question their decisions and should they experience loss they will easily blame Aeternum, if that happen it will defeat all the purpose of me making all this. That's why I need to make them lose as little as possible and show Aeternum might as much as possible.

"Coordinate everything as fast as you can…I'm going to head in with the first dispatch..contact me, when all the leaders already here…".

"Yes sir, Sir..please be careful..". (Andrea)

All the 5 minister were all left behind in Aeternum, Elijah was in command at The Central government, Andrea, Rafaela, Bina was on site Coordinating Feild hospital, Command Center and deployment, Mina was in charge of Aeternum border, I can't leave my border unguarded when there will be a crowd of people will gather in front of my door steps in a few hours.

I followed the First divisyen deployment, consist of 100 men, the commanding officer for this 1st diviyen was Major Xing of special force. As I followed along of course the task of commanding officer fall to me. The aim was to rescue as many citizen as I possibly can and minimize battle as little as possible. The very first destinations was Thorn Village, located 20 KM from the Tri-Nation Valley inside the border of Principality of Light. Thankfully there's no wall at the border so any movement was sufficiently easy and fast when we were using the trucks and APC to get to our destinations.

"We will entering Thorn Village in 10 minutes, all unit prepared for battle…there's 60 hostiles..and 20 survivors..move fast and contained the area!..".

As I issued the order, Every single soldier in the trucks ready for their battle, I already brief them the weakness of undead especially zombies and skeletons, in my opinions my troops were the most knowledgeable in handling this situations, all thanks to my recent encounters and all the zombie apocalypse movies I saw. 10 minutes later my convoy finally entered the village, it looks like a seemingly normal medieval village in the middle of grass prairie that were surrounded by a wheat field, wooden houses with golden thatch roof, muddy ground, but today it was different strong rotten stench mixed with rotten blood waft in the air, the moment we passed through the first house on the way to the village center, one by one, level 1 zombies rushing out from the house and alley, attracted by the loud sound by out vehicles they ran franticly towards us.

"All UNIT ENGAGE!!..ENGAGE!!!..". (Xing)

As soon as he saw the first zombie starts to run out, and the number's slowly rising up, when the first Trucks stops at the Village Center, the first 20 men starts to run out and secures the whole center, with Xing order they starts to open fire at every Zombie that comes running at them. After all 9 trucks and my APC parks inside the Village Center, everyone already out and started to engage.

"First Unit Secures the Center!..Second go Left!, Third Go Right!..Forth go South!..Fifth With me!!..Search and Rescue!!…leave no stone unturned!!…GO!!..".

"YES SIR!!.".

I know the exact locations of every Survivor thanks to the [Mini Map] skills, the survivor were all spread out, but the north side has the most survivor. It's no use to tell them an exact locations to the survivors, my men needs to look for themselves it's part of their training. I wanted to see if their training paid off.

"..CLEAR!!..". (Unit 1)

"Clear!!..".(Unit 2)

"Left side house..check the cellar..second house to the right, second floor…go..".

Still walking my troops checked everything, clearing everything. I felt like I was in the military once again, thanks to my [Mini Map] my unit never missed any undeads or survivor, inside the place which I just said there's about 5 survivor were found, we brought them along with us as we continued going ahead. There's no high level undeads in the village but it sure are infested.

All the survivors were mostly children and women, all of them were considerably uninjured but a little bit malnourished and shaken. Of course the assault wasn't really to hard in just 20 minutes the Village has been fully searched and secured, we decided to leave for the next village, which is 5 kilometer north of Thorn Village, located on the edge of forest, it was called Pine Village, a lumber productions village.

Unlike Thorn village this village had 50 survivors and about 200 zombies, thanks to the wooden walls that surrounded the whole village, it was relatively safe but they do have a bit casualties as they reacted a bit late. Of course the same result happened, my unit prevailed without any difficulties and saved all the villager and put them inside our convoy as we moved to the next locations.

"F.O.B this is Dragon 1, 2 village has been secured..send the harvest team in..".

Of course seeing how the last 2 village we saved were full of resource, i can't just leave them behind but since my divisyen already fully evacuated the village. A clean up squad will come in and sweep the whole placed clean. those lumbers, grains and the corpses of the undeads are better with me rather than being leave alone to rot. of course the villagers property will be left alone, but as for the churgh and any millitary or govermental establishment they will be strip clean.


Northern Hallerus, Border Town, Duke Merrica Murr Territory.

Once the Call for humanitary aid was made a 2 days ago, countless volunteer come forwards to help, From Northern Hallerus alone, combind with Duke Merrica own Knights brigade, the total participants al ready reach 5000 people, 2000 from Duke Knights and 2000 from the Mercenary and Adventurer Guilds, while another 1000 was from the normal citizen, all relatively have experiences in war. Duke Merrica also made a staement that he will wait for the remaining forces from the Visma Nation that were lead by Earl Canran Von Masvit with his 200 Spear Vanguard, Battelstar Empire that will be lead by 5th Prince Sladin Abraham who come with 175 of his Elekhant Riders. Duke had to wait, as both parties were currently at war with each other, even though this 2 figures were an exceptions in the conflict between both their nations.

"Looks like those 2 have arrived…it's been a while since a last saw the Elekhant Riders….those things are big..". (Head Knight Lawrence)

Elekhant was a large beast, it was simillar to a mammoth on earth with the exceptions that it had 6 legs and 4 tusk, despite their towering height and gigantic size Elekhant is quite docile and rather easy to tame, the reasons it become the Battle star special unt is because Elekhant can only be found in their border.

"They always that big..rather than that, I'm more concern at that Spear Vanguards…each one of them at least a mid level two warriors….that Elekhant were just big monsters if you just poke your swords at it's ass..it fall quiet easy….anyway, it's time for me to greet those 2……..WELCOME!! Earl Canran, Welcome your Highness Prince Abraham!!..hahahaha!!". (Duke Merrica)

"Well~ Well~~ isn't this a surprise~..Duke Merrica~ it's been years!!…hahahaha….You're quite famous now days~…". (Earl Canran Von Masvit)

Coming down from his gallant Red Raptors, Earl Canran was known as a carefree person, he own a mercenary group and known to only answer to only the King of Visma, he was known to be very eccentric unlike other nobles he chase after popularity rather than wealth. He loved to be glorified, but also known to be someone who honor the code of Knighthood.

"Duke Merrica, it's an honor to meet, the current most famous Rightful Noble in central continent…I heard a lot about you in the news lately….looks like it's just us here..". (Prince Sladin Abraham)

Prince Sladin Abraham also come to greet Duke Merrica, Unlike the normal desert nomad from the Battle Start Empire who possess a large build and darker skin tone, Prince Sladin Abraham was on a smaller and lean build and a lighter dark tone skin, Prince Sladin Abraham was known to be an odd among the Sladin Royals, unlike his other family members, he was some one who appreciates knowledges and intellect rather than glory and honor in battles. Due to his unlikely traits, he was eliminated from the throne competions, the hidden reasons why he participate in this campaign was to meet with the man behind the speech that moved millions a few days before. As a man of curiosity, he wanted to meet and see what Aeternum really is.

"Oh..don't worry they will come…aaaannd there you go..looks like they already here..". (Duke Merrica)

As they were exchanging greeting and sweet words, a loud sound echoes through the air and on the vicinity, the sound slowly getting louder and louder, so is the wind blows growning stronger and a seeminlgy weird iron bird with large glassy eyes coming closer, the Iron Bird then gently lands on a empty fields a few meters away from all the army. Once the Iron Bird stop chirping and blowing winds, it's side belly opened and a Woman comes out, Wearing an all black beautiful garments, those who lay eyes on her, only thought that she was a beautiful woman, her gait and her looks, made an impression that she was strong, prideful and even dangerous. Prince Sladin and Earl Canran immediately get tense, because the good looking ladies before them were actually a Mid Level 3 warrior.

"Greeting Duke, Earl Canran of Visma Nation and His Highness 5th Prince Sladin of Battle Star Empire…I am Captain Bertha of Aeternum Army, I'm here on behalf of Aeternum to invite you to our Temporary Forward Base for this Undead Horde suppressions….if you may..please follow me…". (Captain Bertha)