Why was her love story incomplete?

Headache formed in the head of Xin Mei. She memorized the past few years with her best friend and boyfriend. She had done everything for them but what had they done for her? Nothing!

Xin Mei's heartfelt heavy as she thought they were not true to her.

'No, no, maybe they both aren't good human beings but they are always true to me.' Xin Mei consoled herself.

To divert her attention from the heart-wrenching topic, she decided to scroll through her social media accounts. It had been so long that she had updated herself with the latest gossips.

After some time, her mother arrived. He Lin helped her daughter in a bath and fed her. Her father also came to meet her but he was in some hurry for a meeting.

During the evening, one of the best friends of Xin Mei arrived to meet her. Her name was Gu Nan.

Xin Mei had met Gu Nan during her High school. Xin Mei didn't notice her during high school but for some unknown reasons, Gu Nan had taken a liking towards Xin Mei. Gu Nan was obsessed with observing Xin Mei.

Gu Nan had attended each and every play in which Xin Mei had participated during school days. Gu Nan was aware of the way Xin Mei treated Zhou Mingyu and Gu Nan also wanted such kind of friend.

Throughout high school, Gu Nan stalked Xin Mei. She also approached Xin Mei for friendship but Zhou Mingyu never let that happen. Zhou Mingyu felt possessive toward Xin Mei. She didn't want Xin Mei to be friend with some other girl.

She was afraid that some other girl would snatch her place from the life of Xin Mei. She was also afraid that with another friend, Xin Mei would realize what the real meaning of having a true friend was.

It was during their university days where Gu Nan got a chance to become friend with Xin Mei. Stars of Gu Nan must have worked that she got Xin Mei as her dorm partner in university. Not only that, her boyfriend was close cousin of Xin Mei.

From that day, Gu Nan had done everything to maintain her friendship with Xin Mei. Xin Mei also treated Gu Nan like her sister. Even when Zhou Mingyu tried to brainwash Xin Mei against Gu Nan, Xin Mei never heard to her.

Friendship of Gu Nan and Xin Mei was unlike the friendship of Xin Mei and Zhou Mingyu!

Gu Nan was a professional journalist. Due to her profession, she was well aware of the true faces of Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu. So many times, she had tried to open the eyes of Xin Mei, only to face threat to her friendship with Xin Mei.

She couldn't do anything against that wicked Zhou Mingyu. She could only stand in the background and save her friend from Zhou Mingyu.

"Meimei, look who has come to meet you," Gu Nan grinned and rushed toward Xin Mei.

Xin Mei felt immense happiness in her heart when she saw Gu Nan. She felt as if Gu Nan had done something good. Then she realized that her dreams had always shown her a positive side of Gu Nan. In her dreams, Gu Nan was the only person to stand by her side.

"Meimei, I am sorry that I took a day to visit you. Actually last day, I was grounding a hot gossip in the streets of Los Angeles. But when Yan gege called me that you are up, I didn't take a second before returning home, returning to you."

Gu Nan looked at her friend and tears glittered in her eyes.

"Meimei, I was so worried about you. I thought that I lost you. When you were in coma, I had visited you so many times, I had scolded you so many times. I also threatened you that I will marry Qian Fan only to see you get up and fight with me."

Gu Nan chuckled and shook her head. "Can you believe that I was ready to marry that jerk only to see you up?"

"I have really missed you Meimei. Never dare to play this prank on me ever again. I will not talk to you if you have an accident again."

Gu Nan sobbed and hugged Xin Mei tightly. Tears were flowing from her eyes like rainfall. Xin Mei felt her heart was squeezing due to the pain of her friend. Her friend who was so worried about her.

"Stop crying NanNan. You know that I can't see tears in your beautiful eyes." Xin Mei broke the hug and removed the tears from the eyes of Gu Nan.

"Now tell me about some latest gossips of the entertainment industry. I am getting bored."

Xin Mei pouted like a spoiled child and Gu Nan chuckled.

"Let me tell you about the latest gossip from Los Angeles. So, I was there with my team to report on the X brand fashion show. You know me, as usual, after the show I was roaming in the hotel when I came across the latest gossip. So what happened was...…."

Gu Nan trailed to create a dramatic effect. Xin Mei pocked her arm and glared at her.

"You know I hate it when you pause to create a dramatic effect."

"Ok, ok, I am telling you," Gu Nan chuckled.

"I caught one of the A-listed actress with the husband of her own manager. Can you believe it? Actress Ting Ling who is believed to be very friendly with her manager was having an affair with the husband of the same manger! Not only that, I also found out that they were having an affair for the last two years."

Xin Mei's heart sunk in the pit of her stomach upon hearing the words of Gu Nan. Xin Mei herself was the manager of Zhou Mingyu. What if Zhou Mingyu and Qian fan...….She shuddered at this simple thought.

"Gu Nan, I need a favor from you."

"Go on."

Gu Nan moved toward Xin Mei to hear what favor her friend needed from her.

Xin Mei took a deep breath before speaking up, "Gu Nan, I want you to find if there is any relation between Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan or not."

"Wait, wait, wait, I think I heared you wrong."

Gu Nan interrupted Xin Mei and rubbed her ears.

"I think my ears aren't working properly due to the noise of the airplane. I am hearing unimaginable things. I just heard that you want me to find about the relationship of Zhou Mingyu and Qian fan."

Gu Nan chuckled uncomfortably.

"You heard it right NanNan."

"What?" shock was an understatement for Gu Nan!

"Remember two years back when you have told me that Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan may have an affair behind my back? That time, you didn't have any proof. But now I want you to find proof. I want you to prove it to me that they really have an affair."

A big goofy grin appeared on the lips of Gu Nan. She hugged Xin Mei tightly.

"I am so happy for you Meimei. Finally, you are doubtful on them. Don't you worry; this journalist friend of yours will find proof that they are cheating on you. This time, I will open your blindfold on them."

Gu Nan promised herself to find the proofs of their affair. She wouldn't care about any difficulties. She wanted her friend to be out of the web created by Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu.


Days flew by and Xin Mei was recovering faster day by day. Her family had ensured to take proper care of her. In the past few days, many relatives and friends had come to visit her with flowers, fruits or some other gifts.

Gu Nan visited her daily, even if it was for only one minute. She always saved some time from her busy schedule for her friend.

Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan never came to meet her, they didn't even call her. This was something which bothered Xin Mei. They both had ignored her in the past too but this time she felt more sensitive towards their absence.

It was after a week that Qian Fan arrived to meet her. He held her favorite flowers in his hand which brought a smile on the lips of Xin Mei. Somewhere her heart was feeling suffocated and she wanted to believe that Qian Fan wasn't cheating her; her dreams were playing tricks with her heart.

"Bro Fan, I am so happy that you came to visit me. Please spend some time with me. I have so many things about which I want to talk to you."

"Some other day Xiao Mei. Today I have a very important meeting. Your hospital was in the way to the meeting place. That's why I came to meet you. Now I have to go. I don't want to get late for the meeting."

Xin Mei could hear the urgency in the voice of Qian Fan. She wanted to stop him. She wanted him to calm her heart down. She wanted him to take away her insecurities. But he wasn't ready to spend some time with her.

"Ok, you can go bro Fan. But I will be waiting for you to come back."

Qian Fan was about to stand up and leave the room when Zhou Mingyu also arrived. Xin Mei was surprised to see that the two missing people had decided to appear at almost the same time.

Xin Mei became more surprised when Qian Fan who was in a hurry only a minute ago, decided to stay for some time. Heart of Xin Mei pricked when she saw how animatedly Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan were talking with one another.

She wanted to ask Qian Fan, wasn't he getting late for his meeting now that he was talking with Zhou Mingyu?

After some chatting, Zhou Mingyu declared that she had to leave. What acted like a stab in the heart of Xin Mei was that Qian Fan also decided to leave at the same time; he also offered a ride to Zhou Mingyu.

'Aren't you getting late for the meeting Qian Fan? If not, can't you spend some private time with me?' Xin Mei wanted to yell but she kept mum.

Xin Mei looked at the leaving figures of Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan. Tears trickled from her eyes when she accidentally glanced at how Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan had intervened their hands after leaving her ward.

What more proofs did she need?

It was clear in front of her eyes that Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu really had an affair. Her dream wasn't a deceiving lie but a reality! A bitter reality!

Xin Mei fell down on her bed. She covered her face with a pillow and soft sobs escaped her lips.

In the closed four walls of a room, loud sobs of a heartbroken woman could be clearly heard. Anyone could feel pity for that woman upon seeing her poor state!

Why was her love story incomplete?