
After some time, paparazzi also entered the ballroom. They all were very excited to get news about the revenge which was the most awaited movie of the year.

When everyone entered, Xin Mei turned her attention to the group of people. Among them, she found Gu Nan. Gu Nan smiled and winked toward her. She followed everyone in the direction of director Zhang.

"Everyone, I, director Zhang welcome you to take the interview with my team. First, I will like to make it clear to you all that, every one of you is allowed to take interview of any star but remember to not cross your limit. And every reporter can ask every star only one question. We want every reporter to get chance with every person right."

Director Zhang made his stand clear before allowing the paparazzi to take his interview.

"Director Zhang, will you enlighten us about the movie?" one of the reporters asked.

"Sure," director Zhang nodded his head. "From the name revenge, it's clear that the story is based on revenge. Set in the historical background, this is the story of Ruyi who was a concubine of emperor Kai. Emperor Kai showed her a lot of dreams before destroying them all. He degrades her for his new queen."

"After getting discarded by the king, Ruyi starts her journey of revenge. Movie revenge comes with a complete pack of love stories, historical era, and a war."

"Director, we have heard that you are planning to use a lot of high-quality special effects. Is it true?"

"Yes, it's true. I have searched for a team of special effect in a foreign country. They will be guiding us. Also, the fight sequels will be taking place under the guidance of experts, some from our country and some from other countries."

Reporters asked some more questions from director Zhang which included the question about the cast.

"Cast of revenge is really big. We have four main leads. Three of them are already here. Forth one will be announced very soon."

After talking with director Zhang about the basics of movie, reporters walked toward Zhou Mingyu. Everyone was eager to have her interview except for Gu Nan.

"Miss Zhou, congratulations on getting the role of Chunhua. We have heard you were selected from nearly one hundred and fifty candidates. What are your views about it?"

Zhou Mingyu presented her fake politeness in front of the cameras before giving her reply, "I really feel grateful to director Zhang and the judging panel for selecting me in this movie. Upon seeing such a tough competition, I had nearly lost my hopes to get the role. But my talent and trust of director Zhang gave me this role and I hope that I will get identified for this role."

"Miss Zhou, do you expect the best actress award for this role? Don't you fear the actress from other movies or don't your fear your second female lead?"

Zhou Mingyu smiled with confidence and looked at the reporters. "Zhou Mingyu isn't afraid of anything. I can trust my strong acting skills. I know that I can win an award with my strong acting like the last three years."

Xin Mei and many other actresses hide their face behind their hands. They were chuckling at the overconfidence of Zhou Mingyu. They had seen her poor acting.

Reporters asked many more questions to Zhou Mingyu, which were related to the movie. They then turned their attention to Qian Fan who was sitting next to Zhou Mingyu.

"Mr. Qian, what are you doing here? Are you here as an investor or to support your girlfriend?"

"Both." Qian Fan smiled. He looked at Zhou Mingyu with love-filled eyes. "I am here to support Mingyu and take her home with me. I am also here as an investor of the movie."

"So, it's true that you are investing in this movie?"

"Yup, I am investing in this movie for my Mingyu. I want to improve her status. Moreover, I am sure that a movie with my Mingyu in it will get huge profits. So investing in this movie is a big thing for me."

Reporters asked him more questions about the movie and his expectations, to them Qian Fan replied with much attitude. He acted as the major investor in the movie.

After asking him movie related questions, reporters turned their attention to the questions related to Xin Mei.

"Qian Fan, I know I am being personal here. But I dare to ask, is it true that ex-manager of Miss Zhou was insane for you? Is she the reason that you never went public before?"

Before Qian Fan could reply, Zhou Mingyu spoke up. "You have heard right. Xin Mei, my ex-manger and my co-star," Zhou Mingyu pointed toward Xin Mei who was sitting opposite to her. There was a smirk on her lips.

"She was my best friend during college days. She had a liking towards bro Fan. She was madly in love with him. She loved him so badly that I decided to give up on Bro Fan. We both compromised for her happiness. We had........"

Zhou Mingyu tried her best to degrade Xin Mei. She acted victim in the blind love of Xin Mei. She blamed Xin Mei for coming in-between her and Qian Fan.

Gu Nan burned with anger when she saw the fake sad face of Zhou Mingyu. She muttered in anger before throwing her question towards Zhou Mingyu.

"Miss Zhou, you are continuously slandering Miss Xin. But from my sources, I had heard that you are the one to snatch Mr. Qian from her. You seduced him in the first place and had an affair with him, behind the back of your best friend. Is it true?"

Zhou Mingyu glared at Gu Nan before acting innocent. "What are you talking about? How can I cheat my best-friend? I was always true to her. You can't slender me like that."

"I am not slandering you. I have proofs, Miss Zhou. I have recordings where Mr. Qian is proposing Miss Xin and then I have recordings where you are seducing Mr. Qian, to cheat on Xin Mei. You have admitted a lot of things in that video."

"You are lying." Zhou Mingyu became pale on hearing her.

"You know, I never lie." Gu Nan grinned. By now, every other reporter was looking at her, waiting for her to give the proofs. The proofs would make a piece of big news.

"But you don't worry. I am not going to expose you now. I will let you enjoy some days before bringing your dirty doings in front of the public."

With a gloating smile, Gu Nan stepped away from Zhou Mingyu. Every other reporter questioned Zhou Mingyu if what Gu Nan claimed was true or not.

"Please, no more private questions. This is a press meeting for Revenge. Please focus on the movie only." Qian Fan quickly excused the media from himself and Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu sighed when reporters left her and made their way towards Xin Mei. She clutched her handkerchief hard and glared at Gu Nan.

'What proves does she have? If she gets some scandalous proves in her hand then my career as an actress is over.' Zhou Mingyu sweated in fear.

"Don't be afraid of her Mingyu. I am sure that she doesn't have any proof. Gu Nan isn't the one to stay quiet. She would have exposed them a long ago." 

Zhou Mingyu sighed in relief upon hearing the consolation of Qian Fan. Gu Nan was bluffing. She couldn't have proofs against her, especially when she was always very cautious.