Was he craving with needs for her?

Two weeks flew away from the day Xin Mei and Su Yuchen got married. They had become comfortable in the company of one another.

Su Yuchen had become habitual of seeing his wife, after returning from work. He loved it to find his wife dancing and humming in the kitchen. He loved it when she smiled on seeing him back from work. 

Xin Mei had also become habitual of staying with Su Yuchen. Now she rarely missed her home and parents. Su Yuchen was an ideal husband in her sight. He never made her feel that she had to change because now she was married.

In the last few days, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei had made mutual understanding to share about their day with one another, to inform one another about their whereabouts.

Whenever Su Yuchen went to some meeting, he always informed Xin Mei about the same. And whenever Xin Mei went to Management Company, to meet TingTing or somewhere else she informed Su Yuchen about it.