*Flop date!

Food done----- Check

Drinks done--------Check

Candles done------Check

Makeup done-------Check

Dress done-------Check

Xin Mei grinned when she mentally checked that everything was ready according to her plan. She had planned a very romantic candlelight dinner for her husband.

She could only hope that her husband would appreciate the hard work which she had done only for him.

From afternoon, she was planning this candlelight dinner. She had plucked flowers from the garden and had decorated the house. She also purchased many heart-shaped candles and had them decorated all around the house.

She also prepared a special dinner. Now she could only hope that Su Yuchen would like it.

She worn a red shoulder less cocktail dress which fit perfectly on her body. She had let her hairs down and applied dark red lipstick on her lips. She did not want to look any less than a hot chic. She could only hope for Su Yuchen to like her look.