*Give me a kiss as a reward!

Next day, when Xin Mei woke up, she blushed hard when she saw their position. For the whole night, she had slept on the chest of Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen had also wrapped his arms around her.

Slowly and carefully, she removed his arms from her waist. She parted away from him.

She loved it that Su Yuchen was a heavy sleeper!

"Oh Hubby, you are so handsome. I will surely miss you during my shootings but you should understand that my career is very important for me. I want to have my revenge." She sighed and looked at Su Yuchen.

She placed her fingertip under his dark hair lock and removed it from his face. She smiled when she saw his perfect face. God must have designed his face in a lot of free time.

She watched her husband for sometime before starting her day. She knew her day would go good now that she had ogled at the face of her husband.