*Last days in film industry!!

 Xin Mei looked at the delicious spread with wide eyes; she walked towards it and filled her plate. She took her seat and started on the food.

"You cooked today?" Xin Mei teased Su Zixin who was sitting opposite to her.

"Umm, no. How can you think I prepared the food? Are you forgetting I can't cook ?"

"But, I thought you had learnt some skills while staying in states." Xin Mie said shrugging her shoulders and took a bite of food. A mocking smile was on her lips. "By the way, why did you not wake me up? I could have cooked for us."

"I wanted to wake you up but brother did not let me. He didn't want your precious sleep to be disturbed." Su Zixin  air-quoted the words of Su Yuchen.

Xin Mei got a vivid flashback when she looked at Su Yuchen. She shook her head to shoo away all those memories.

They both had their food in silence. When Xin Mei was just about to be done with her food her phone rang with a call from Su Yuchen.