Who is this Jiang family?

Xin Mei was set on the mission, 'Find out who this Jiang family is.' She wanted to know who was this Jiang family which had planned a murder plan of her husband and why was Su Yuchen affected so badly with them.

She also wanted to know why Su Yuchen had not taken any action against the Jiang family till now.

At first, she decided to use google to find about who the Jiang family was and the result was, there were many Jiang families around the world, one was political family, one a famous family with automobiles business, another family lived overseas from last fifty years…there were many families like that.

Xin Mei could not find any family which had any link to Su family or Su Yuchen. 

"Argh, google is always a failure whenever I need something important." Xin Mei groaned and glared at her laptop and at google site where she did not find any useful information about Jiang family.