Small injury but best doctor.

The shooting of the battle scenes was going on very smoothly, everyone was working very hard. Nearly everyone had endured one or another injury because it was not easy to use even the fake swords and fight with one another.

And on one such day, Xin Mei also got injured. She and Su Zixin were fighting against the soldiers, they were standing side by side. Xin Mei ducked the sword of the soldier when her foot got twisted and she fell down on the ground with a loud oomph!

"Ah," Xin Mei wailed and fell on the ground. She took her twisted foot in between her hands.

"Xin Mei." Everyone rushed towards her and looked at her with concern.

"I am alright, there is nothing to worry about." She forced a smile on her lips and tried to stand up only to feel life taking pain.

"Are you mad?" Su Zixin rebuked. "Do you think yourself to be some angel who will not get injured? Stay still."