Sigh! brother is not jealous of me.

Xin Mei stayed at the hospital for one day only. Once doctors were satisfied that all drugs were removed from her body, they discharged her.

After getting discharged, Xin Mei decided to visit Bai Yue. It had been a long time that she had visited her. Besides, she was already planning to visit her after getting free from the filming of revenge.

"Grandma," Xin Mei squealed and rushed toward Bai Yue.

"Xin Mei," Bai Yue spread her arms wide and hugged Xin Mei. "How are you, my daughter?"

"I am all good. What about you?" Xin Mei asked and took her seat on the spare bench of the garden. Su Yuchen also took his seat beside her.

"I am all good and active. I am all ready to look after your and Chen's baby. So, when are you conceiving a baby?"

Xin Mei flushed when she heard Bai Yue. She thought Bai Yue had forgotten about her great-grandchild but, how could she?