Who is this Da Chun?

Eyes of Xin Mei also widened once the words were accidentally out of her mouth. She did not want to disclose the secret of Su Zixin but now the damage was already half done.

"I am sorry." She mouthed to Su Zixin and looked at him with a guilty smile on her face.

Su Zixin smiled and shook his head. He then stood up from his seat.

"Everyone, today I have a confession to make. Now that we are family, I don't want to hide about my identity from any of you."

Xin Yan, He Ye, and Gu Nan looked at him with wide eyes which were filled with curiosity.

"My real name is Su Zixin and Su Yuchen is my cousin but we are closer to one another than brothers. I am sorry that I hid my identity from you all from so long."

He Ye was the one who was in a major shock. He had always treated Chen Bai as a common man from the time they had first met each other. He never thought the real identity of Chen Bai was so big.