The flying women.

The studio of the flying women was set outside of the city, nearly a hundred miles away from the centre of the city, near the river and ocean. 

The studio was set at a large level with a simulation of an airplane where most of the filming of the movie was going to take place.

On the first day of the shoot itself, director Zhang put a lot of pressure on Xin Mei. He made her act very hard. He gave her many retakes. He wanted her acting to be very dominating. 

Not only because it would be officially her first movie but also because he wanted his mother's movie to be the best. He wanted this movie to beg many awards and now with the support of Heritage, he hoped that his dream would come true.


By the time Xin Mei was done with the filming for the day, it was already one in the night. She was hell tired. She did not know how she was going to travel back home. She did not even know if she would get a hotel to stay at this hour of night.