Good reviews!!

Originally, paparazzi had not given much importance to the premiere of 'The flying women.' It was an autobiography and on top of that, a newbie was acting in it. They did not think any star will attend the premiere.

So, they had decided to not attend the premiere. But their decision turned out to be a wrong one when they saw the report of Gu Nan and her team. They had reported how many stars and directors were attending the screening.

So, by the time the screening had come to an end, the entrance of the cinema hall was crowded by the reporters. They could not miss the opportunity to interview the stars.


Director Zhang was the first one who came out of the hall. He smiled widely when he saw Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, get ready to have two big hits of this year. After this movie, your life is going to be changed." He happily patted on her back.