New year

It didn't take much longer and the new year was already there. To celebrate the new year, Bai Yue had decided to throw a family dinner with the Su family and the Xin family.

To celebrate the new year, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen arrived at the Su residence, one evening before the new year, to spend some time with their grandparents.

"Xiao Mei, Chen'er, I am so happy that you both are here." Bai Yue squealed when she saw Xin Mei and Su Yuchen. "Now go and place your luggage in your old room then come back. Tian had arranged for the barbeque in the garden."

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen nodded their heads. They made their way toward the old room of Su Yuchen. There they placed their small duffel bag which had their clothes for tomorrow.

They got freshen up and reached downstairs where Su Lingtian was waiting for them. He slapped on the back of Su Yuchen and asked him to help him in preparing for the barbeque.