Meeting her little brother.

Xin Mei was working very hard for the promotion of her film. Only a week was left and she was very excited about it. From the response which she had received until now, she could say that the movie was going to be a hit.

Xin Mei came out from the studio after filming of a commercial when her mobile rang with an unknown number. She picked up the call thinking it to be a call from some director or producer.

"Hello, Mei Jei?" she heard a male's voice from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, and who is it?" Xin Mei frowned her brows in confusion.

"Mei Jei, it is Li Jun speaking. Remember me? You have met me in city G. You have then helped me in getting admission in the art school." She heard a hopeful voice from the other side of the phone. "I have also sent a painting for you when the shooting of revenge was completed."