Story of Da Chun.

On returning home, Xin Mei and other ladies were hell tired. They had bought many things. After buying the engagement outfit for Da Chun and for herself, He Lin had started to purchase other things for the wardrobe for Da Chu which made Xin Mei further confused.

She was bubbling with questions and was not able to keep them inside herself. So, she pulled Xin Yan towards his room and put forth her queries.

"What is Da Chun doing at our home? Where are her parents? Are they not excited that their daughter is getting married?"

"Xiao Mei," Xin Yan sighed and closed his room door. He walked toward Xin Mei and stood in front of her. "Xiao Mei, Da Chun is an orphan. The parents we though as her real parents are her maternal uncle and aunt."

Xin Yan paused. Xin Mei was about to ask future questions from him but she stopped herself due to one look from Xin Yan.