I am her murderer.

Later that night, Su Yuchen did not return home during his regular time. His phone was also unreachable. When he picked up the call, he ended it in a minute saying that he was busy.

In concern and worry, Xin Mei called Huang Chu. He informed that some authorities had arrived at the office of Su Yuchen and were inquiring about some deal.

Heart of Xin Mei sunk in her stomach when she heard Huang Chu. She could remember the words of Gu Biyu and her lawyer. 

'No, no, no, no, I can't let him go to jail!'

Immediately, she called Gu Biyu, telling her to prepare the papers to transfer the property of Su Yuchen at her name as soon as possible. She was feeling hell worried and nervous about Su Yuchen.

She could not let anything happen to Su Yuchen.

The next two days flew away with Xin Mei worrying about Su Yuchen. She had noticed that Su Yuchen was busy somewhere, which made her more worried.