How is this possible??

The next day, when Su Yuchen woke up, he was feeling all fresh. After washing up and wearing the fresh pairs of clothes delivered to him by Huang Chu, he made his way inside the hospital in secret.

"Huang Chu, ensure to clear the hospital from any reporters. I don't want them to hover around the hospital all the time and if you can't do so, prepare the arrangement of shifting Xin Mei to somewhere quiet." He ordered and quickly made his way toward the VIP room where Xin Mei was already shifted.

"Zixin, you can return home. You also need proper sleep." 

Su Yuchen looked at Su Zixin who was dozing off in and out of the sleep. Su Zixin looked at Su Yuchen and rubbed his eyes. He yawned and stretched his body. He stood up from his chair.

"Brother, the doctor checked upon Xin Mei not an hour ago. Her condition is stable and it is expected that she will wake today."