Article about his marriage.

Later in the evening, Da Chun and Xin Yan also came to meet Xin Mei. They left early because Da Chun was feeling sick because of the changing weather.

After them, Bai Yue and Su Lingtian arrived to ask about the health of Xin Mei. Bai Yue brought many traditional recipes to make the bones of Xin Mei stronger and help her in healing faster.

Su Zixin also arrived to meet Xin Mei. He teased her and signed his name over her plaster with a get well soon message.

"Xiao Mei, director Chang had said get well soon. He also said that you do not need to worry about the filming of the movie. He will wait for your return." Xin Mei nodded her head.

"TingTing has also sent her good wishes. She wants to meet you but I have not given her your address."

"You did well. I do not know how to face her now. I am sure she will ask many questions to me about my marriage with Su Yuchen." 

Xin Mei covered her face with embarrassment.