She is her sister.

Su Yuchen could not believe that fate could be something like this. Three months back, he got to know that he had a sister. Till the last day, he had no news about her and now, she was there standing in front of him.

And on top of that, he knew who she was. Hardly an hour back, he had declared her as his sister.

Can the world be so small?

Can the theory of pale blue dot be true?

Can he find his sister in the form of Da Chun?

But how? Didn't she have a loving parent who passed away? Then how could she be his sister? How could she look so familiar to his mother!

Su Yuchen had never seen a photo of his mother, nor he remembered how she looked. So, he did not know if Da Chun looked like his mother or not. But seeing the surprised expression on the face of Bai Yue and Su Lingtian, he knew she looked like his mother.