The Mysterious Old Man

After Merico Max and Lisa Daniel left the factory with Black Shark Group, William Max is still sitting on the cold floor there. He has never dreamed that one day his big brother will become such a ruthless man. After thinking for a while he determines to find out the truth behind his big brother's action today. Even if everyone told him to believe that everything had happened today was real, he will definitely beat them into a pup.

There is definitely something happened that his brother don't want him to know about. We used to play together, share toys, and even steal the food from the kitchen together. How can I believe that because of wealth, reputation, and love can make you changed so much. You don't even care about company at all in the first place.


Harraco City has many famous landscapes, such as to the North there is the highest mountain in the world where no one has ever reached the top, an evergreen big forest to the West that attracts many tourist from all over the world just to camping and explore the wild life, and one of the most likely to visit from everyone who arrived Harraco City is a big beautiful lake to the East that even in winter there is no ice can cover surface of the lake water. There is a legend that the lake has spirit to watch over. In a big mansion near to this beautiful lake, an old granny with around 40 years old in term of look yet her actual age no one knows clearly beside her, she is having a nape with a book in her hand.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

"Come in!" after the knocking sounds wake her up from her napping, the old granny put her book aside and said toward the one at the door.

A handsome man in a black suit pushed the door open and after coming in he closed the door again.

"Grandmother, why did we have to do this? Is there really no other way?" Merico Max asks her in an unwilling voice.

"I also don't want to make him suffer any hardship in life, but you and your brother's destiny really play by heaven." Angela Max replied with a suffering voice, as she also doesn't want to make William Max's life crossing such tribulation. But for him, for her, for his close relative, and even for the world, she has to do it.

"How was William reaction when he knows you are the one behind." she asked in a bitter voice.

"At first, he did not believe at all after that I pulled our father in the conversation just to avoid any more questions. And after that ..." Merico Max told every action that his subordinates did to William Max and how William Max reacts to him all without any conceal to Angela Max.

"Hmm! I see, he definitely found something suspicious about your action. That why he chose to silently accept your request at that time." Angela Max said with a bitter voice to Merico Max.

"Let the destiny to take it courses what we should do already done." Angela said with a whispered voice but Merico Max heard it so clearly.

"How is your current cultivation?"

"I just break through to the middle stage of body refining art." Merico replied with a respected voice.

"Hmm! I really hope that William will also like you after going to that world. You have to work hard with your cultivation so that one day you and your brother can be re-unite again." Angela Max closed her eyes again like she never wakes up from her napping in the first place.

Merico left the room and closed the door in a silent and respectful way as if he's afraid of voice will disturb her rest. He really doesn't want to separate from his little brother, but he really has no other alternative to solve the problem that they will face if William Max gets his system initiated in this world. They might have to fight one another for there is only one system permit existing in one chaos dimension. He already initiated his system by the age of 16, that why he never cared about company, wealth, and reputation in the first place.

"My little brother, I hope that you can grow faster, so our brother can meet again in the future."


After determined to find out the truth behind the sudden betrayal of his big brother, William Max started to look around the factory. It is already midnight, and without any light to show the way he decided to stay the night there in the factory.

The morning light breaks through the glasses of the windows at the factory, which makes William eyes twitching from direct contact with the morning sun light. After he gets up and starts to look around to find the exit of the factory, he starts to look for the way to go to the main way as it is really a deserted factory who knew how long has it abandons.

"Hello! Grandpa, what are you doing here in such a cold and abandon place like this?" after walking for a while William Max meets an old man on the road.

The old man is quite poor, as his clothes are in a rage, it cannot cover his entire body and there are many broken spots here and there on his clothes. Such cold weather and his condition will not make him live any longer if there is nothing warm enough to cover him.

"Grandpa takes this coat." William Max removes his outer coat to the old man who was quite shaking from the cold weather. After a moment that the coat covered him, the old man's body seemed to start to feel the warmth. He looks back to find out that there is a young man with a white dragon-like image jade pendant around his neck has removed his coat just for an unknown old man like him.

After a bit of surprise, he came to rely on that he has found his way home again after so many years of effort. It is like an old folk said that you want to find something with great difficulty, but it just arrived at your door step when you don't expect it to happen. Or there is another saying that you need firewood just to meet the gas station.

With shaking hands the old man held on to William Max necklace without letting it go. William Max quite surprise to the old man's reaction at first, but after calming the old man down a bit. He suddenly asks toward him "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa! What's happened?"

After the old man calm himself to his happiness after found his way home, he looks into William Max both eyes with clear surprise. "I finally found you junior brother!" with shaking a hand, he holds on to William's shoulders with great happiness. The heaven really blesses him at his old age after drifting into this world with his junior brother together from a secrete legacy tomb.

"Grandpa! Are you okay?" William Max asks him with a concerned voice.

"I am okay. What! What did you call me?" after calm himself again, he comes to rely on that this little man is a bit similar to his junior brother's face, but he is not his junior brother at all. Those years passed by with such heavy internal injury how can he still alive till now from helping me block those attacks in that legacy tomb.

"Tell the truth, where did you get this jade pendant from?" the old man asks William Max with concern voice.

"This pendant I got it from my father, he said that I have to wear it and never to take it off no matter what has happened. Oh! My brother also has one similar to mine but it is black. He told us that this our family heirlooms." William replied to the old man with a fondly remember to his father while he was still alive.

"Tell me who is your parents? Tell me everything about them especially your father." the old man asked toward William Max while still holding on to his shoulder as if he expected something from him.

"My father is Berino Max, he already left this world 10 years ago because of a traffic accident." William Max replied with a missing voice to the old man.

"Wait! Wait! It is not him." the old suddenly grab on to his head after a while he came to rely on that it has been nearly 50 to 60 years since he arrived this world as he cannot remember the exact time since he nearly went insane from wandering just to find his junior brother.

"Ah! Sorry little man, can you tell me who is your grandfather? What is his name? Where is he from? Is he still a live?" the old man asks toward William with a heavy voice than before. As he really wished, that what William replies next will be the name that he want to hear about.

"Grandfather's name is Nicola Max, as for where he is from my grandmother never told us."

"My grandfather is a kind man with a great dominate spirit who always loves and cares for us his grandson and his only son, but he left this world not long after father."

"He created VIVE corporation just to help an old and sick man like your grandpa." William Max replied to the old man with great pride for his grandfather's achievement.

"He created a business just to find me and seeking my news. Junior brother, your big brother failed you." the old man with a regret voice said to himself. What did I do in these years besides trying my best to heal my own injury? I did not do anything without even trying to adapt to the living condition in this world while you tried so hard just to find me. If you don't worry about me, and just try your best to heal yourself, our brother will meet again but everything is too late now. Your later generation, I will help you take care of them.

"Eh! Young man, what is your name?" after a moment thinking to himself, he came to rely on that he has yet to know William's name.

"I am William Max, a name given by grandfather personally." William Max replied to the old man with fondly remember to his grandfather's kind face.

"By the way, grandpa what should I call you?" William asks the old man after helping him to rest under a big tree.

"Ah! My name, what is my name?" the old man tried hard to remember his name as there is no one who has ever asked him this question since he arrived this world. He seems to forget his own name already. After going back, he might remember it.

"Sorry! Young man, I really cannot remember my name after I have never used it for so many years ago. But you can just call me grandpa or grandfather similar to your grandfather" replied with a bitter voice to William Max.