Rosa's or William's outbreak? (last part)

Rosa who happened to stand nearby Mazaque, she moved with all her might toward her grandpa with tearing eyes. He is the only man left in the family beside her little brother who always cares for her. She cannot let him fall here before her very own eyes.

"Is there anyone with medical knowledge here or anything that is good to suppress the poison?" Rosa shouts with her red eyes toward everyone in the surrounding. As for the fifth elder, he has already retreated into the mansion courtyard. He knew he cannot go back with his older cousin from the moment that he showed up in front of him.

"Good! Good! Good!" a clear sharp voice and clapping sounds can be heard from within the mansion front gate as a black man with his sharp eyes and big lips come into the view of everyone that is presented there. As he walks out of the front gate of the mansion, he glances over Mazaque Diana who is currently hold onto the knife that stabbed his shoulder.

"It is a bit pity though, that I want to see you beg for my mercy. Do you regret your decision in refusing my offer in the first place? No, it is not late yet. Rosa's parents and her missing all related to me, what more do you want before begging for my mercy? I break your family apart from each other, one by one. Your fifth, and sixth cousin are in my camp, they are smart people who know when to advance and retreat. You are stubborn as always, when will you learn to adapt to the current society.

Since I can break you a path, I can also bring it as a whole piece again. Don't you want to meet your granddaughter and your son again also his wife?" Even though Rosa Diana is not in his hand, he wanted Mazaque to beg for refusing his offer in the first place. There has never been someone dares to refuse to cooperate with him since he has started his business. Mazaque is the first one who dares to do it, and he wants to humiliate him before he destroys his entire household. The black man started to talk in a humiliating voice toward Mazaque Diana who is currently tried to suppress his poison from the knife.


After the poison suppressed toward his only left part of the shoulder, his left hand also no longer has any movement. It is a side effect from the poison and his elemental energy, that fighting with the poison.

"Child, thank you for worrying about this old man, but I am okay now." Mazaque has yet to know Rosa in this disguised appearance. He starts to stand up, and leave Rosa who has been hugged him when he nearly collapses on the ground after the fifth elder stabbed him with the short knife.

"Thank for your offer, but I cannot betray myself. I still have some dignity as a human, you better do not let me catch you in red hand. Don't worry there will be a time that I will bring it to light. Paper will never be able to hold fire, so if you don't want the other to know then don't do it in the first place." Mazaque taunts back toward the black man who is standing in front of the mansion gate. Even he has become a grandfather, but he is not old enough to forget what is right and wrong.

"Haha! It is laughable with this pathetic view of yours. This is a world where the strong rule and weak obey. Even if you catch me in action, what can you do? Nothing at all, all you can do is watching. The stronger I become, the more control I can make for lowly human. Even the king, his majesty, also went through this kind of event in his life before he can set rules for the empire. Why can I not be the one to set the rule?" the black man causal remarks make the surrounding men started to sway between pros and cons.

"You said it is laughable, yet do not forget that you are also one started as a body refiner. Even though most humans that can cultivate a higher realm is little compared to the other races, but if we take a wrong path just to achieve a higher realm, we will be worse than a pig and a dog." Mazaque calmly said to remind his family that they cannot forget the principle of a human no matter what. Do not let sway by a short moment of gain, and abandon your pride.

Many of the surrounding men started to regain their pride again after Mazaque reminded them to follow what is right than taking a short gain just to lose yourself into the devil path.

"Surround them! no one is permitted to escape! Cough! Cough! Cough!" Mazaque solemnly commands his clan members to take action. After Mazaque orders his goons to take action, the poison in his body starts to have movement, too. It is like facing a den of snakes, that it will bite in any moment of relaxing.

"Grandpa! Are you okay?" Rosa is really stressful to see her grandpa becoming like this. As she forgot that at this moment she is in her disguised appearance as Barom who was William's assistance.

"What! What did you call me?" surprised by the shaky voice of a woman calling him, Mazaque found it is hard to believe that his granddaughter is already with him since the beginning.

After the fight started out between Diana clan members and the third young master goons, William becomes an idler who has only stayed around Mazaque.

A shadow started to move toward the three men who stand in the backline of the fight. "Host! there is a hostile aura detected toward the area you are currently at." White drake who has been hibernated the entire time started to inform William about his current situation.

"Huh! Who is talking to me in such a crucial time?" surprised by White drake in which he forgets about since it has been silent for too long.

"What! the f**** is this? You don't even remember me, the one and only one as handsome as me with the knowledge of a sage." an angry voice echo out again, and in the third-dimension space around William's chest area, there is an angry incomparable illusion face of a little white dragon. Even though it did not know who is the creator of it, but it somewhat has emotion like a real entity, too.

How can it be not angry because someone who it has watched since a puppy to become a grown man forgets its existence? Even though at that time it cannot communicate with him, but who knows that blacky had awaked before it did and even wanted to consume it. If it is not for the holder of blacky was its host older brother, it will definitely meet an unable to imagine fate. Never mind, he might not be adapted yet to my existence, in the future I might need to talk to him more.

William has yet to know his agony just starts because he has forgotten about someone that he shouldn't annoy.