Victory or defeat?

William moves toward the assassinator and prepares to knock him out. Yet, he heard White drake reminders again. "Do not touch him, he is already done for. Even though he is not going to die soon, but the rest of his life can only be said with one word that it is pitiful. Unless someone can find a heavenly grade pill with vitality effect to relieve him from this poison."

"What had happened to him? Just a sneeze from little Rosy, and he becomes an almost motionless puppet." William tried to calm his surprise and his sweating body. Such an unexpected event had occurred, what if the one who received that sneeze was him? He doesn't want to imagine it. Luckily White drake had reminded him to dodge that sneeze, or else he will be the one that is regret, right now.

"Little Rosy, haha, good name, good name, it is fits perfectly for her. Little Rosy is a descendant of an ancient race that deviated from the dragon race. It is a long story, I will explain later. Though she is just a child, don't look down on her. She is a clever child.

A reminder for you, don't let anyone know her race is Sky mist serpent. If you happen to find out who know her race, you have to silence them by all mean. Anyway, there are many deviated spirit beasts with a slow-motion effect in their poison. So, there is a low chance that someone will find out about little Rosy identity. I talk too much, I am going to sleep now." White drake only left that few words before he is completely silent.

"Wait, wait, What should I do with this assassinator?"

"Deem it as you see fit."


"D****, all you go all out now, or else your lose today will not be in my tab." After the assassinator failed to kill his target, the third young master's expression becomes worst. Since it has already come to this, he wanted to take Mazaque Diana's life. But that stupid assassin sells himself out, just from a weakling trick. And he got slow-motion effect poison from a spirit beast, it is all his own bad luck. He won't shoulder for that stupid assassin. Even he can find anti-dot, he better use it for himself.

That little spirit beast poison is quite potent if only I have such spirit beast as my pet. I won't have to worry about fighting with my elder brothers for the family lord position.

The third young master from The Black Bear clan walks toward the direction of Mazaque at the back of their clan men. The fighting between Diana clan and both of Coba and Kalle clan also become to a standstill as many men from both sides become injured. They stare at his movement as he goes closer toward Mazaque Diana before he comes to stop in a safe distance from him, especially the man with a little snake spirit beast coiled around his arm. The more he stares at the little snake that coiled on the man's hand, the more greedy his eyes become.

Little Rosy also starts to find out that there is someone looking at her, thus she also stares back at the man who stared at her. For a long time, both of them stared at each other, no one is willing to move such as both of them want to know who will gain this victory in their own staring. Little Rosy tried to make domination stand to show her prowess as if she has an incredible power to make the third young of The Black Bear clan to bow in submission.

Such a smart spirit beast. I will use everything at my disposal to get it. Since it is on that man's hand, it must be his pet.

"Greeting little brother there. Since I have never seen you in The Diana clan, are you a new recruit in their household?

Never mind, I will tell everybody here today a story. Long ago the Diana clan and my Black Bear clan can also be counted as a friend with each other, but because of greed in human nature that it is hard to predict. The last Diana clan head had colluded with a traitor of our clan to stole our blueprint that my clan spending time and sweat in researching the new products to improve our lifestyle.

Thank the Justice Department in the imperial city for a detailed investigation that they brought justice toward us the innocent one. Since then both clan clash with each other like water and fire. But justice always stands with the innocence, so that why Diana has today. I won't mind your past action if you are willing to submit under my banner, I will accept you as the key training in The Black Bear clan. If I were to eat meat, I would not let my men eat bone. For someone who has good aptitude will receive the cultivation resource even better than the other."

Let me see who will not sway after learning the ugly past of your clan. Haha, anyway that ugly past is my clan plot. When you join under my banner, I just promise to give better resource after you have completed my mission. I will stick out a carrot for you see but cannot tase. Especially the man with that spirit beast, after you join me, I will first earn your trust by just giving you some higher cultivation resource. After that, I can just send you to a suicide mission, for that little spirit it will be in my pocket for sure.

Not many of the old blood in their Diana clan were present today, but many have not to sway yet, too. They are not stupid enough to believe a single side story. First of all, Diana's clan also gives a better salary for them. They have never done any matters that betrayed their consent as a human since joined the Diana clan.

Just as Rosa wants to point her finger at that unrest behavior of their new recruit, William interrupts her action.

"Good speech, though I don't know what have had happened in the past. These recents even told me those innocent people will never use the underhand method.

Today, we all see an ugly truth about these INNOCENT people, right? Tell me what did you see today?" William asks toward the unrest members of their clan.

After William questioning them that what these innocent use underhand mean and even stolen their goods, they start to rely upon the matter is not always true on the surface. These matters might have hidden truths that they have yet to know.

Because the fifth elder has also colluded with him, that many of their brothers had been dead or heavy injured. Without an insider how can their clan have today distress?

"It is okay for those who want to join that ugly man team, but I will advise you guys beforehand. He will be very good for you when you have your value for his use, but it will be the opposite when you are useless. Better remember it to those who wish to left our clan." Mazaque also wishes to dispose of those who swayed just by the promising rich and wealth. For heaven shake, today they are already swayed by just a promise of rich and wealth, in the future, they will be the same as his fifth and sixth cousin for sure. He also leaves a way out for them, if they can form a firm will through this even, they will become the key training in his clan in the future.

Almost one-quarter of Diana clan's new recruit left to join the third young masters of The Black Bear clan. The rest who stay behind are all the one worthy to earn the trust and heavy responsibility in the future.

"Good, good, good, for those who chose to stay with us Diana clan, I will treat you the same as our younger generation. For those who have left, I wish your chose is today won't make you regret in the future." Since it has already become like this, Mazaque can only wish them good luck.

The fighting has come to an unexpected ending, but those injured individuals also happy with this ending as no one wants to become a cold body.

"Little brother there, if you are willing to join my banner, I will give you a double salary that what Diana clan gives you." Just as the rest of the men preparing to retreat to their own side, the voice of the same man that pulled many of their past comrades to his camp. He said and look straight toward Rosa.

William is unhappy about this ugly man's behavior. What! you also wanted to pull include my Rosa into your side, wishful thinking, even though I don't what happen in the past, but I know you kick an iron shit. Haha, as William makes a foolish laugh himself, Rosa glances over him.

This man's behavior doesn't change even a bit since we met. Rosa shakes her head, maybe it is his nature.

When he sees Rosa's shaking head, the third young master of The Black Bear clan face become more ugly than what his ugly face already has. He doesn't want these useless and lower cultivation goons to waste his resources. What he wants is that little spirit beast, not any of them.

"Little brother think again clearly if you are willing to become my subordinator, I will choose you as the key training in my clan. Don't reply to me yet, I wait here for your answer in three days' time as a limit. By that time, if you are not here, I will take it as you don't know what is good for you." He left those words and walk into the mansion with their injured people, and also include the swayed by the gain from Diana clan.