2 years, Hospital;
"Congratulations! You've got a girl!"
"Her name will be---"
"Wait! It's my turn!"
My little sister was born a few minutes ago. She cried as soon as she got that painful slap on her butt just like any other newborn child, including me. However, unlike my impression of babies' ear-bursting cries, I barely registered that she was crying. Her crying sound was soft, soothing and relaxing to our minds. She is such a cute little sister.
My little sister's birthdate is the 8th of March, within a week of my own which is the 2nd of March. Like me, she has my mother's eyes. For her hair, I know that she will get my father's. She will be even cuter when she grows up.
Right now, she is sleeping in between my mother's arms. This picture would've casted a peaceful and quiet image if not for both my parents having a fiery staring match.
I quickly raise my hand to get their attention. They both look at me.
"Edith sounds good!"
They stare, I fiercely stare back!
"*sigh* Alright hubby, you name her, but it better sound good!"
My mothers casts an apologetic look in my direction while my father ignores my stare and laughs happily, satisfied.
"She is as beautiful as an angel and her sound is pleasant to hear, so her name will be Angela! Angela Ashford!"
I shook my head and sighed regretfully.
"Edith obviously sounds better, it also has an Eddie in it..."
I mutter and glance to their direction, but now they both ignored me; How cruel!
Suddenly, my mother signalled my father to my direction and began whispering to him. I raised my ears, hoping that they'd change her name, but was quickly disappointed.
"Hubby, you think that she'll be like..."
"Hm, that's a possibility."
Father took a needle from his pocket, cleaned it, then got closer to the bed to poke my sister's little finger. A drop of blood immediately came out and he took a transparent glass to collect it.
Hummm...from what I heard and their actions, they're apparently worried that she'd be having my peculiarities. My father is probably going to examine her blood, and when that happens... he will probably discover that she has the same recessive gene that he has. Well, the earlier he discovered it the better the results, I hope.
Father checked his watch then discovered that it was getting late, he turned his wheelchair around and called out to me to go home with him together. But---
"Wait, he's sleeping with me."
Mother pointed at me and said.
"But, you just gave birth, and the staff won't let him sleep with you."
"No Buts! As for those hospital staff, you go and have a 'little talk' with them to let Eddie sleep with me."
After mother put little Angela on the crib next to her, she crossed her arms and shoo'ed father away.
She motioned me to come up the bed, I shrugged and got up, letting her hug me.
She yawned and whispered,
"Little pillow, you can never escape mama."
We fell asleep embracing each other.
*dzzzt dzzzt dzzzt*
The room was dark.
*dzzzt dzzzt dzzzt*
Four lights were in the corners of the room, making it possible to see in it, but also dim just enough to barely scatter the darkness.
*dzzzt dzzzt dzzzt*
We woke up, barely.
*dzzzt dzzzt dzzzt*
My mother's phone was vibrating.
She tilted her body to pick up the phone next to me on the table and answered the call.
I lazily adjusted my posture on the bed, laying my head on my mother's arm and my leg on her stomach, my arm was still under her breasts. I also reluctantly started to listen on my mother's conversation.
"Mm...Hello Sarah.."
"What?! You're already in the city?!"
"I'm in the hospital, I'll send you the location."
"Of course he's with me,"
"You brought her too?! That's great!"
"Haha! You would be surprised!"
Mother ended the call, started with brushing her fingers across my hair, then gently caressing my face.
"Wake up Eddie, we will be having guests."
"I need you to go to call the nurses for me, can you do that?"
I reluctantly let go of mother, then climbed down the bed. I drowsily walked towards the door, reached out and opened it, then got out.
The hallway was silent and barely illuminated by the faint red lights on the doors. I turned and walked towards the end of the corridor, unbothered by the cold that was seeping into me, chasing away the warmth of my mother lingering on my skin.
The red and gloomy passageway gave way to a big hall, dimly illuminated by the light that the receptionist office was giving off.
My voice rang out, echoing out in the hall.
I couldn't see any nurse up there, and I wasn't tall enough to further peer into it. I turned and walked towards the office door on the left side of it.
The sounds of my knocks echoed out, but there was nobody answering. I turned the knob, the door wasn't locked. I opened the door and entered, my attention immediately shifted to the woman sitting on the chair.
The woman was wearing the standard nurse uniform, in contrast to her white uniform and pale white skin, her hair was pure black. It was a beautiful view, however;
There was no reply.
I quietly walked closer to her and inched a few steps to the side, trying to get a clearer view of her face.
Her head was tilted forward towards the desk, her long black hair blocking my sight of her expression. I could hear faint whispers coming out from her direction.
The corners of my vision greyed out as I focused in her direction, the whispers were getting louder and louder, and...she was slowly, very slowly, turning her head towards me.
Now, completely sobered, I immediately turned vigilant. I scanned my surroundings and immediately spotted a pot filled with pens on a high table. I immediately ran up to it and jumped, picking the heaviest looking pen, I viciously threw it at her head even before I hit the ground.
The woman fell off the chair, dropping various stuff on the table, before sitting up, rubbing her sides, and clutching her head. Her tearful and bewildered eyes shifted to me,
"Wha?! Who?! A kid?! When?! Why?!"
False Alarm; not a ghost, not a zombie, just a silly woman.
"...You weren't replying to me."
"Ah,...that, well, I was listening to music, haha."
The woman nervously chuckled, showing me her phone ear piece that was previously hidden by her hair.
I understood; the music produced by the ear piece were the whispers I heard, and she wasn't replying because of it. Also, looking at the snacks she dropped on the floor, she obviously was listening to music while eating the snacks to pass the time.
She got up, tidying up the things she dropped on the floor, and checking her phone probably to see if it broke. I went and helped her pick them up. It's the least thing I could do after what happened, I'm sure that she will get a bump after that, throwing a metallic pen with 2.5 times the strength of a human at someone's head is not a joke.
Checking this woman out, she sure is a beauty, especially with that white uniform. Black hair, black eyes, a pale white skin, a mix of a north american and asian face; I especially like her eyes and lips. She has decent sized boobs, ass, and nicely shaped hips. I also noticed how fat seemed to be void within her skin in her arms and legs, casting detail on her muscles and adding even more beauty to her body. Does she work out too? She looks like a yoga expert to me.
"So? What are you doing here kid? Want some chocolate?"
I took the chocolate from her outstretched hands and replied,
"Mother wants to see you, she sent me to look for you."
"Hummm...which room is it?"
"199, my mother's Mrs Ashford."
I pointed out to her and went for the door, expecting her to follow me.
I opened it and turned around, finding her at her original spot, clutching her head and looking at me with a pitiful expression.
"Hurry Up!"
I rampantly yelled, the annoyance that I got so scared by this silly lass finally catching up to me.
I opened the door finding the room brightly illuminated, my mother is sitting up on the bed, typing away at her phone. I entered the room, the silly woman right behind me.
Mother looked up at us, and was quite surprised.
"Big Sister Marley!"
That silly woman, 'Nana', ran up to the bed and hugged my mother while I just stood still, bewildered.
When did I get such a silly aunt?! Also, I now know why she kept looking at me back there and rub her head. I am in trouble.
"Ahhh, I missed you!"
"Me too, how have you been big sister?"
"Great, and you see, I got a new baby now too, Haha!"
My mother laughed rampantly. I was making plans on how to run away, but they got squashed when she called out to me. I climbed up the bed to sit next to her. Her arm made its way around my shoulders then she immediately introduced us to each other, smiling happily.
"Eddie meet Aunt Shana. Nana, this is my sonny, the one you helped me give birth to 2 years ago!"
So her name's Shana, Nana's her nickname. Also, she is the one that gave me that painful slap on my butt, huh?
"Hello, Aunt."
"Hello, you sure grew quickly."
She said that while rubbing the already swelling bump on her head. My mother quickly noticed that and asked,
"What's wrong?"
"Your sonny hit me!"
This silly aunt immediately told on me to my mother; crossing her arms and pouting.
"How come?"
My mother was astonished, she shook her head, took away my chocolate, and said,
"Eddie, you know what to do."
"Yes..." I said, resigned. I couldn't tell mother that I hit her because I got scared, right?
"Sorry Aunt, I will not do it again."
"Ohhh,...what a clever boy!"
She bent down then lifted me up, hugging me. What I didn't expect, is her whispers in my ears:
"Actually, I scared you on purpose."
I gaped my mouth and stared wide-eyed at her evil smiling face.
"There is some ice in the fridge, it should help a bit with that bump on your head. How hard did he hit you anyway?"
My mother snatched me back from Aunt Shana, and pointed to the small fridge in the corner of the room. I only hugged my mother and stared at that devil woman, aggrieved. After that, they both started talking, and with a few questions of mine, I now know what relationship she has with my mother.
Aunt Shana is not my biological aunt. Aunt Shana was originally my mother's fellow student since elementary school. A scaredy girl who gets picked on because of her characteristics from her Chinese descent, that is, until she met mother, who beat up all the kids picking on her. The two girls quickly hit it off with each other and became best friends. They grew up, and studied in the same classes from elementary school until graduation; they also said that they went to university together, but they didn't want to talk about it, weird. Anyway, although they are not biological sisters, they're closer than blood, so it doesn't matter.
After talking for a bit more, Aunt Shana excused herself, but then remember something;
"What did you call me for anyway?"
"Right! Call the guards and tell them to unlock the hospital doors, little Eddie and I have some special guests!"
"No problem!"
She said and waved her hands on her way out.
That reminded me, the ones who woke us up in the first place are those 'Special Guests'. I wonder what kind of people they are. Them being special enough to let them visit when it is already 3 AM is more than enough a reason to get me curious. Also, I found out that mother is quite a popular girl, someone who she calls special should be someone interesting.
I laid my head on my mother's shoulder, anticipation in my eyes.
One woman and one little girl entered the room. The woman, obviously Sarah, calmly walks to my mother, hugging her gently; the little girl following her closely.
"I missed you, Sarah!"
"Missed you too, sister."
Another aunt? I raised my eyebrows.
After setting white and red flowers at the table, Aunt Sarah sat by my mother in the bed, checking out my baby new sister while the little girl sat in the white sofa behind them.
I looked at Aunt Sarah in interest, idly noticing that the young girl is doing the same for my mother.
This aunt is a blonde haired, blue eyed, beauty. Same eyes as my mother, but different hair colours, and she had her hair cut short. She wore a black cat eye glasses, white shirt, and black jeans. I also notice her not wearing a bra...complex about her small breasts? They're not that small though. Small to mid size breasts, wide hips, a perky butt; above average beauty. From her style of walking and her calm tone while speaking to mother, she seems to be a quiet person. I like quiet.
The young girl looks like an 8 to 9 years old girl. She has the same style of hair as that woman, but different hair and eye colours. Her hair is light brown, the same colour as her eyes. She is quite pretty, the same as that woman; but duh, their faces resemble each other so this girl will obviously be as pretty.
Hum, this little girl is also checking me out. Our gazes meet.
She snorts in contempt. Why? Because I'm shorter? Because I'm prettier? What a prideful and petty little kid. I disregard her in favour of looking at my mother boast about how pretty her new daughter is to that aunt, that little girl is still staring at me though.
Finally, it's time mother introduces me to that aunt, but aunt cut her off and called out my name directly.
"Hey, little guy, you must be Eddie."
I simply nodded.
"I heard that you like milk, come on and sit with Auntie."
She took out a bottle of milk from her bag, motioning me to sit by her side. My eyes immediately shone, but I hesitated and looked at my mother.
"Her name is Sarah Chambers, my biological little sister."
Introducing her means my mother's approval. I climbed down the bed, going over to the other side, where Aunt Sarah is waving the bottle at me.
I stretch my hand upward, expecting her to give me the bottle, but she snatches me up from the ground instead. She goes over to the sofa where she sits down next to the girl, and plops me down on her knees.
The hell is this treatment?! Am I a cat?!
As she hands me the bottle, my grudges immediately float away.
My mother watched amused, then called out to the girl beside me. I could feel the girl's disdainful glare just a moment ago,
"Hey, little missy, you must be Rebecca!"
"I heard that you like chocolate, come on and sit with aunt!"
She immediately bolted to mother, took away that chocolate, and happily eating it in between my mother's arms.
I almost spat the milk at them; that was my chocolate!
I casted my best disdainful glare at that girl, but she just ignored me, so I went back to drinking my milk; thinking about how truly special those guests are.
Aunt Sarah is my biological aunt. She is someone my mother used to tell me a lot about. A cry baby at young, my mother is the one who took care of her all the time. Changing her diapers, washing her, teaching her, and feeding her; the one who Aunt Sarah faced all the time during her childhood would be my mother. As such, Aunt Sarah became attached to my mother, following her to go everywhere, going out and coming back home behind my mother like a shadow.
Unfortunately, it did not last long. My grandparents got divorced, and my grandfather took little Aunt away at that time. However, they still made contact, and occasionally visited each other when they grew up.
My mother also used to boast about Aunt Sarah being a rare genius. Aunt Sarah skipped grades over the years apart from mother and quickly graduated to enter college. She studied there for only a short time, then became a scientist. Right now, she is considered one of the youngest professors of university, married, and has a kid. Quick on studies, quick on her marriage, and quick with her child. Quicker than mother, who is jealous of her and gratified for her at the same time.
This aunt of mine rarely visits mother these years, mainly because of her work and family. She is considered to be a special guest and definitely will be welcomed at anytime, even if it's 3 AM.
Stop pinching my butt!
"By the way, you don't look like two years old, are you sure you aren't five?"
That's why you were pinching my butt? To check my age? I never heard of such a way to determine people's age through abusing their butts!
I roll my eyes and ask a question of my own; a question about our special, very special, guest;
"How old is Rebecca?"
"Oh...? She is 8 years old. Smart and pretty, isn't she?"
I look up at her in displeasure.
She only made a small smile then pinched harder; that one hurt!
That's it. No more questions. I accept this challenge.
I raise my left hand and aim at her cheeks, but she lifts her head up and I couldn't reach them.
I ignore the pain and aim for the next best thing, her visible nipples through her shirt. I trap one between my thumb and index fingers then pinch, hard.
I look up at her expecting an expression of pain, but what greets my eyes was something different; a wider toothy grin and eyes that are looking down at me like I'm prey. I shivered.
Before I could think further, her right hands pinched my cheeks, and pulled hard.
"Oooohh,...You're so naughtyyy, Eddie."
I couldn't reply to her with my cheek being pulled so hard, but she thinks that stretching my cheeks will be enough for me to give up? Two people can play this game.
I immediately pull her nipple towards me, feeling it stretching, and hardening. Ah, scientist and genius my ass, she's originally a pervert.
We remain in deadlock; my right holding my bottle and left twisting and pulling her right nipple, staring at her defiantly, while her left hand is pinching my butt and right hand pulling my cheeks, staring right back at me. Mother and Rebecca are already watching in amusement from the bed, I'd bet that they've been watching us since the beginning. We remained this way until-
My little sister Angela woke up.
My mother is laying in the bed, her top was pulled up exposing her big left breast, which is being used to feed my little sister. My aunt Sarah is laying down next to her, chit-chatting with my mother, her right hand rubbing at her own chest and her left hand holding my mother's right hand, fingers crossed.
Which leaves us, me and Rebecca, sitting in the sofa; I am rubbing my reddened cheek while Rebecca is for some reason staring at me indignantly. I ignored her staring and thought for a bit.
Resident Evil is divided into the movie series and the game series. The movie series had plots connecting to each other revolving around the same protagonist, Alice. On the other hand, the game series had independent plots revolving around multiple protagonists; only if someone researched deep enough about their lore would a connection be found.
I turned towards Rebecca and said;
"I heard that you're very smart."
This girl, Rebecca, is very special. Not just because of her being my cousin, nor her mother, it is her identity.
My mother introduced my aunt as Sarah Chambers. Her daughter is named Rebecca, so her full name should be Rebecca Chambers. Rings any bells?
She is the very first protagonist in Resident Evil game series. She gets introduced as a child prodigy, joining the Beta STARS team as a medical unit, then ending up in the events of Resident Evil 0.
Rebecca Chambers' existence crushed my previous assumption of this world being only from the movies. It appears that this world is a mix of the games and movies, which is both good and bad; good that the games has more information and bad as the movies themselves contradict what happen in the games.
In the game, other than Rebecca's experience in RE0 and her 'Optional Death' in RE1, I don't know much about her. Other game protagonists, Jill Valentine, Leon S.Kennedy, Redfield siblings, and others, have showed up in some of the movies; Rebecca? She most likely died even before RE:Extinction. This paradox of a world is making me crazy!
Whatever happens, it is good that I know this now. Looks like I have to abandon more than half of the 'Plots' and proceed step by step for survival, believing in non-existent future information will kill me.
Rebecca Chambers is only 8 years old now, I still have approximately 10 years to prepare for the start of apocalypse, so I'll worry about the future later.
I still have something to do though, keep contact with Rebecca, get the news of the games' death traps, and maybe help her a bit with her future crisis; she might become an important partner in the fight against apocalypse after all. That is why I am willing to converse with this girl that was trying to dig a hole through my head with her stares.
Her indignant stare eased up slightly before replying,
"Your failure of a praise will be forgotten considering the fact that you're finally willing to entertain this young lady."
My face reddened slightly as I realized what stupid thing I said to try to start this conversation, but what's with the young lady? Child prodigies usually speak like this? I changed my approach;
"You don't look much, your mother boasted about you being a rare genius."
She raised her legs from the ground, crossed her arms, and cross legged, fully facing me, her face full of pride;
"This young lady is the one in eternity prodigy, hurry up and bow down to this young lady!"
I mirrored her actions, my face full of disdain;
"The fact that you had to say it makes you the one in eternity Idiot, what gives you all that confidence?"
She sneered, and said,
"This young lady entered school, and immediately flipped it upside down, going up to the 8th grade; something you don't even have!"
She truly is a child prodigy, I replied;
"Ha! If i entered school, I would skip it all the way to the top of university, in one single day! You wouldn't even have the qualifications to look at the bottom of my shoes!"
"Shameless boasting!"
We continued on our spat for a while until she won it by shamelessly comparing our heights.
After that, we began exchanging academic knowledge. I have to admit, she truly is a prodigy, or rather, giving her that name is not doing her justice; all the so-called child prodigies would get flattered if they knew that this young girl is having the same title. She has thorough knowledge of all kinds of scientific subjects up to the university freshman level at the age of 8, and that with the science in here being way more rich and complicated than the original earth. Even I, with all the intelligence bonuses and the support of the books of my parents, only matched her on my biology. I wonder why the original canon said that she only graduated from university at 18, she should've been able to graduate years before that.
We quickly hit it off with each other in those circumstances, becoming closer. I also know why she was staring at me all the time; it was that she truly was waiting for me to 'entertain' her. According to her, a host's duty is to entertain his guests, and since I was the only one close to her age, the responsibility of entertaining her was mine. Although the way she said it was like she was expecting me to serve her like a slave boy, I truly neglected her, or rather, I didn't spare her a glance the whole time. Well, I'll compensate her in the future.
Before Dawn, Corridor;
Rebecca took a careful look at me and nodded approvingly;
"Rejoice! You have the qualifications to be the underling of this young lady!"
She waved her hands goodbye and ran out to catch up to her mother.
Bah! and here I was thinking that I'd give her chocolate the next time we meet! Never!
On a desolate road;
A Porsche was speeding through the road, reflecting the blue and red rays on the sky.
A beautiful blonde haired woman is sitting on the driver's seat. She looked calm and composed, even with the way she drove the car in its extreme speed. A pretty young girl of 8 years old is sitting next to her, looking through the window in a daze.
Rebecca called out to her mom.
"I want to spend Summer's vacation with Auntie Marley."
Sarah Chambers was surprised,
"What about your summer school?"
Rebecca replied nonchalantly,
"Withdraw me from it, I want to spend every vacation at auntie's place."
Sarah Chambers was amused when she thought about something, then said;
"Consider it done, but why?"
Rebecca fell silent for a moment, then hesitantly answered,
"I am quite interested in Eddie."
Rebecca thought about the boy, Eddie.
He is a cute boy. Her first impression of him when she saw him by his hospitalized mother's side is that he is a mama's boy, pampered and spoiled. Her second impression when he stood still by the side was that he is silent, willing to observe and not interfere. Her third impression of him when she saw him fight back against her mother was that he is quite daring. In conclusion, someone who loves and relies heavily on his mother, someone observant, and someone daring.
She paid close attention to him. After all, he is Angie's 'elder brother'.
"Haha, I knew it!"
When they talked to each other, she discovered something. Previously, he was paying zero attention to her, going as far as treating her as air. Next, he suddenly started to converse with her deliberately, going as far as imitating her tone and style perfectly, acting like he is deeply interested in her. That is some odd behaviour, especially for a child.
What if his behaviours with the others in the room are all also an act? If it is so, then that means that he is concealing something.
And, paying attention to his other oddities, she might know what it is.
"That kid is quite special huh? Rebecca."
He would definitely pass off as an ordinary manipulative character if it weren't for his other oddities;
Rapid Growth.
Quick Reflexes.
High Intellect.
Pale body.
Obsession with biology.
She is not dumb enough to doubt that he is more than human. She knows many things with those characteristics, and all of them did not end well.
She knows what he is hiding.
The T-Virus.
"Special? Perhaps."
When the time comes, she will kill him herself.