Royal connections.

Argus laughed at the awkward scene and asked"Can you please get me the suit I asked you to collect so I can put it on. Unless you want to keep staring, if so I'm happy to go like this."

As soon as the words left his mouth Ayaka seemed to reawaken and bolted towards the car, she returned and handed Argus the suit, refusing to meet his eyes when he looked at her.

Argus put the suit on slowly, teasing Ayaka the entire time, when he was just about finished he turned to her again and said" Did you enjoy watching me get dressed pervert? How could you stare at an innocent boy like me while I changed? I feel impure, can never marry now, you will have to marry me as punishment."

Argus noticed that Ayaka's heart started beating faster and faster and before she could pass out he laughed and said" I'm just messing with you, seriously don't worry about it too much, I'm already engaged to someone. We will go back to the mansion so you can change before we head over for dinner. We also need to get you a weapon to use until your vampire abilities come through, you will need to be able to defend yourself going forwards. I have a lot of enemies in Europe who would kill everyone on this island for a chance at my throat."

Ayaka turned and asked" What and who are you really? Why do you have so many connections in Europe? What have you done to warrant all of those enemies?"

She also quietly added"Who are you engaged too?"

Argus pretended to ignore the last question before saying" All will be revealed at dinner later, I have 2 main reasons for being here, one of them is personal and the other is a job I have to do for a few more weeks. We will need to go and get ready, I would hate to keep our councillor friend waiting."

The car journey back to the mansion was quiet and when they arrived Argus said he would stay in the car and wait for her to get ready. While she was away, Argus entered the house and silently went into his room, he moved to the far side of the room and opened a hidden safe. He removed four things form the safe and they were a handwritten note, a photo of a girl, a badge bearing the Austrian logo and a set of documents that verified his identity.

Argus looked at the photo of the girl and sighed, he muttered"Getting involved in the affairs of royals was the biggest mistake since my rebirth. I'm now engaged to a princess who hates my guts and connected to the throne while I will never be able to sit on it. Oh well when I have my own throne, they get to have their princess back."

He placed the photo of the pink haired girl back in the safe before heading back to the car.

When Ayaka come out of the mansion, Argus teased her about how well she looked in the golden dress she had selected. It highlighted her body perfectly and Argus repeatedly let her know of that fact. The car ride as a result of this was extremely quick with Ayaka hoping that Argus would stop once they arrived and as she expected he did. His entire personality switched from a positive and joking one, to one of complete seriousness.

When they left the Limo, Argus strode towards the front door of the building and knocked heavily on the door, almost taking it off of its hinges. When a maid came to answer the door, she was shocked by the state of it and showed Argus into the dining hall in extreme fear.Argus quickly scanned the room and saw Asagi, her father and what he assumed was her mother sitting down. The person he was sitting next to made him smile, it was none other the witch of the void, Natsuki.

Argus sat down and said"I'm here for an apology and my money for the furniture refunded, the mansion wasn't for me and the person who it is for will not take this insult sitting down."

Almost as if on queue Argus' phone started ringing, he looked down and when he saw who it was he smiled, he answered the phone in German however he made sure the others could understand the key points of the conversation.

"Yes my king, I have arrived on the island as of your instructions, there seems to be an issue however, a local councilman has conned me out of money regarding the mansion the princess will be staying in for the duration of her studies. Yes, I have not killed him yet your majesty, I thought I should ask you about how to proceed first. You will leave it in my hands? Are you sure your majesty? You are? Ok, when will the princess be arriving? Next week? Ok, have you cancelled my engagement with her yet?"

The dinner hall was deathly silent for the duration of the call, when Argus mentioned he was engaged to the princess the entire room went into a semi-state of panic. The Austrian royal family were relatives of the First Primogenitor, Lost Warlord. Hearing that Argus was potentially marrying into their family, the Aiba Patriarch began to sweat heavily, he regretted listening to his boss and trying to make some easy money off of a foreigner with little information on the island.

"What do you mean she doesn't want to break it off? She hates my guts, the last time I was in Austria she tried to have me killed for heaven's sake. Suck it up? Really? Is her head of security coming to the island as well? She is? Good at least me and her get on. What do you mean I'm not allowed to sleep with her? Why not? The princess needs to learn her place, we are both consenting adults .Sure your majesty, I will get this shit sorted before she gets here. Will I get my money returned for the mansi--. Fucker hung up on me, now where we? Right the money I need for the Austrian princess, hand it over."