shocking outcome

"Commander are you serious"? Marco ask my father.

"Yeah, our Astrea family is blessed with a talent for a sword so big that the first time we drew a sword we surpass the power of an average soldier".

"But still commander against a 5-year-old chil-"!

"Marco this is an order," my father says with a threatening voice.

Which makes Marco stop arguing out of fear.

"Reinhard are you ready"?

"Yes father," I say calmly but inside me, I am a little anxious.

Because even though I know I have Reinhard's inhuman sword talent whenever I think about it logically it is still absurd for me to beat an average soldier.

Who has more battling experience, he is bigger than me so he has both power and height advantage over me.

"Okay, both of you pick your swords". I pick a wooden sword I feel the sword in my hand strange feeling going through my body.

It feels like my body found a long-lost friend.

Marco still seems hesitant.

Johan sees that and says

"Marco if you don't take it seriously you wouldn't be paid this month".

Those words made Marco's worries fly and he started to take this seriously.

"Sorry young master but I wouldn't be easy on you". He says but I didn't hear him as I completely focused on the strange feeling I felt while holding the sword.

"Okay, Ready...start!" Johan announces the start of the battle.

Father Pov

Astrea family tradition tests if the child is worth becoming the next heir of the Astrea family.

Fighting against the average soldier to test the child's talent is merely a tradition of a test for discovering abnormally geniuses such as our ancestors.

The soldiers here trained hard for years to be able to counter supernatural beings.

So naturally, a child who didn't hold a sword in his entire life doesn't expected to win the fight but to show skills and potential in a sword.

I remember the time my father tested me and said the same thing I fought against a soldier under my father and almost won and I considered an extremely rare talent myself.

I wonder how my child would do.

I hear the start of the fight

"okay Ready...start!"

At that moment the fight begins Marco swings his sword at Reinhard.

But at that moment Reinhard blocks his attack and counter-attacks him hitting him several hits on his front side.

Making him fall to the ground Reinhard who was behind him pointed the sword to his neck.

"Give up?" He asks.

Everyone on the training ground couldn't talk because of the shock.

Someone who first holds a sword beat who trained in swordsmanship for years and can fight the supernatural to a certain level in less than 5 seconds is absurd and the one we are talking about is a five years old child it is practically impossible for him to win because all advantages are on his opponent's side.

But still, this is reality Reinhard won against Marco.

I really didn't expect him to win and in such a short time what kind of monster he is?

If he would get proper training and time what kind of monster will he become?

But with this capability, our family will climb to new heights never seen by humans.

I have to hide him intel he would grow up if someone out of the family would hear it they would try to kill Reinhard before he grows up and I can't let it happen.

"Father is it enough?" Reinhard asks me.

"Yeah, more than enough," I say.

I couldn't be so proud of you son and I can't wait to see what would your future hold for you.

"Everyone here I forbid you to tell anyone what happened here"

My words awaken the soldiers out of their shock and they say

"Yes, sir!"

"Come Reinhard it is your birthday let's go celebrate together". I ask while leaving the training grounds with Reinhard.

"Yeah, thanks, father 🤗🤗"

Even though he has so much power and potential he is still a kid.

"Reinhard where do you want to go?"

"Thorpe Park".

"Okay, so let's call your mother too and go to sleep in a hotel inside London at night".

"Mmm," he nods to me with a big cute smile.