deploy spies 2

fifty-four commend seals are generated and craved on the left arm.

I see red tattoos on my left arm

Over ninety black-clothed human figures with skeleton masks instead of faces appear before me.

"Are you our master?" A dark voice from shadows around me.


As excepted their abilities are optimized to their best as their parameters and skills rank improved I think as I use master privilege to check their parameters.

"Thee willing to go to the way of the darkness?" I hear a cold and inhuman voice which shakes me a little but I don't which direction the voice comes from.

I look around I see other assassins didn't notice anything.

the voice seemingly comes from every direction, and yet it is only audible to me.

it is probably true assassin he is the only assassin in all fate series who have

Presence Concealment level Ex.

"Mmm, what stupid question do I look like someone afraid to walk In the way of darkness?"

At that moment Reinhard smiled a smile of the devil with eyes cold as ice the killing intent he released have shocked the old legendary assassins.

Because no kid should release such killing intent.

"For what reason?" the true assassin keep asking me without being shocked at all.

"To receive what I had lost in the past, I will live my life the way I want".

"Does this wish worth taking the lives of others?"

"Yeah, I believe that if the others will block the way to the future I want must be eliminated".

"And what is the thing you want now?"

"Mmm, I want to live with my father and mother happily for more years and after that maybe traveling around the world as a hero who saves people in need or maybe I would be able to be a model or actor no no maybe create big global company control all type of business, mm what should I chose?".

Reinhard's dark mood disappeared what the servants see is a child dreaming of the future so innocently and hopefully, it looked like what they saw before was just a vived dream.

"But truthfully speaking I always wanted to become a hero who saves people in need just like in stories but for that"

" it would be better to be reborn in a world like my hero academia but that world already has heroes to save them but this world doesn't have one so I would rather become the hero in a world that doesn't have heroes than in a world who already has heroes".

"Okay, I accept you as my master," says true assassin.

"Okay, master what is your command?" ask Hassan of cursed hand.

"I want you to investigate three factions of angels, fallen angels, and devils I want to know everything from the special individuals to the power of the army's also extend your search to another country family like ours, the Astrea family,  and the church".

"divide the mission according to your  ability those of Hassan of hundred faces who bad at spying I would like to spy on

Influential people in the human world I believe they could at least do that"

"now one last thing , this world is build on the Christianity faith so you mustn't misunderstood the being of angels and God with your belief"

The origin is Assassination organization who based on Extreme Muslim faith as such they killed those who opposed their God.

it would be problem if they betray me by thinking of god in this world is their god as their faith to their god is stronger than their loyalty to me , i could use command seal but it would be a waste ,

also they would search a way to Bypass the command so it is best to achieve their loyalty in a normal way.

" what do you mean by that? " hassan of cursed arm ask with tense voice.

the mood of the group has tensed up , all assassins ready to take a move according to my answer.

"as i have said they are build on the Christianity faith which Illustrates God meaning contrary to your belief , i just have stated a fact to prevent you from going against me in the future.

"is that so , by the way master what are your thought of god?"

" i don't know if he exist or not but if he exist then

he must be the embodiment of the word Omnipotence, he must be absolute and infinite and eternal surpassing and controlling all the things either it may reality or fiction and even nothingness itself , if he doesn't fulfill one of those conditions he isn't God"

the mood returned to normal the assassins clam themself with my answer.

"is that so, it seems like our belief is rather similar to ours , we are happy to hear that "

" okay, now dismiss!"

"yes". all servants disappeared, I return home.

I wonder what we would have for dinner.