Racing Heart

In Long Huojin's study room, he hooked up the device Xue Guangli used at the hospital to upload the files on his computer.

There was only one file, plain and simple, except for the medical terms used and the doctor's handwriting that looked like chicken scratch. But most of the content on the documents, however, was decipherable.

Once she printed the pages, Xue Guangli read over it diligently, and she read it again and again, to ensure she did not miss anything.

There was one thing that stood out to her: Her father had drugs in his system at the time of the incident, a ridiculous amount at that. But then how was he able to commit the crime?

Without telling Long Huojin what she was thinking, she bolted to her feet and ran towards one of the filing cabinets they kept in Long Huojin's study room.