
One month later:

For weeks now, Xue Guangli had been working diligently in her store, even checking up on Xue Liena and Xue Teegan to make up for the fact that they covered for her.

She continued the pace of designing dresses and finding dressmakers to help make her vision come to light. Every day their small company expands. Long Huojin occasionally drops by, and she was aware of Yin Shou helping Xue Teegan.

At work, someone had run into the store, realizing it was Xue Liena. Her face flushed from the physical activity, and she handed her a letter.

When Xue Guangli saw the sender's name and address, she knitted her brows in confusion.

She opened it and read the letter carefully. Her eyes widened, and she skimmed over, reading it a few times more.

Her eyes shot up to Xue Liena. "It says...I won the contest for Best Dress under the category of Upcoming Fashion Designer."

Xue Liena smiled broadly.