Phone Call

The phone rang, and Xue Guangli stood up, immediately answering the phone.

"Hello?" she answered.

It was Qian Meigui, her lawyer. "Guangli," she began. "I am calling in regards to your father."

Xue Guangli clenched her fingers together. She was devastatingly worried about Long Huojin, but to receive word that about her father, she wasn't sure if it was good or not.

"The court is demanding a re-trial since the evidence against your father has been misrepresented. Especially since the police arrested Long Huojin..."

Xue Guangli remained silent, waiting for her lawyer and friend to finish.

"It's possible I can get him released early. He can come home," Qian Meigui said to her. Xue Guangli's mouth gaped. It was all she ever wanted, hoped for. She glanced at Xue Teegan, who stared at her worryingly. If she told her now, would her sister jump for joy? But to what expense? Long Huojin would have to take his place?