Murder Solved

Zi Yingtai presented the footage tape in front of Qian Meigui.

Qian Meigui then offered the evidence to the Judge. He took it and dismissed the court of a recess until he can prove the authenticity.

After an hour of tension and waiting, the judge returned to the court. Xue Guangli did not leave her seat. She stared at Wang Weimin hard.

She wasn't sure if Zi Yingtai provided sufficient evidence, but she knew that when she kept seeing Wang Weimin, she secretly kept talking to Zi Yingtai, re-building trust, and a friendship. She also promised her that if Wang Weimin ever threatened her, that she and Long Huojin will do anything to protect her. It was up to her to decide to help them or not. Though, it could bring her a bit of danger, too.

Wang Weimin did not appear to be afraid at all, which worried her.