Epilogue (1)

For weeks now, Long Huojin had been trying hard to adapt to the lifestyle of a parent. 

He worked at home while Long Bolin represented him in the office. 

He still attended relevant meetings and conferences, returning home, sometimes to find his wife soothing their child or sleeping on random spots of the house. 

Xue Guangli took time off work, despite Long Huojin offering to take care of the baby alone if she ever felt like returning. But she said she wanted to spend most of the time with their child, especially how babies grew so quickly in comparison to the first few weeks. 

And most days were good. 

Xue Guangli clung to Long Jie, cradling and protecting him in her arms during most times. While on other days, she would be nervous or afraid about something she wasn't sure of. She questioned herself and their parenting style, but Long Huojin assured her that everything would be all right, so long as they took their time.