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[The crowd is quite noisy tonight. They're getting impatient; I've been backstage for too long. So I give them what they want: the lazy, inconsistent author that is The3Crimson3Kane.]

Crowd Member 1: Finally! Where have you been?

Me: *leans into the mic* Calm down. Your author here has been busy.

Crowd Member 2: Doing what? Lying in bed like a bum and reading manga?

[I felt a pang in my chest. They knew exactly what I'd been doing!]

Me: *shrugs sheepishly* Okay, okay. I admit: I've been a bit lazy these past few days. But I'll try my hardest to get at least one chapter a day...or two.

[The grumbling increased. The readers aren't happy the author isn't keeping up with the update system.]

Crowd Member 1: When are you going to post a new chapter? You left us on a cliffhanger!

Me: *Scratches head* I did, didn't I? Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait a bit longer. I've started a new project!

Crowd Member 2: What!? You can't even post consistently on ONE story! Now you're going to handle two?!

[A reasonable reader steps up to the plate. He raises his arms, trying to calm the crowd.]

Reasonable Crowd Member: Alright, alright. The author here is trying to give us something new to read. What's your story about?

[I grin. This reasonable person lives up to his name!]

Me: Cultivation!

[The crowd goes silent. Even the reasonable crowd member is staring up at the author incredulously.]

Me: *Clears throat* So, how about it? A cultivation novel?

Crowd Member 1: Do you even know what cultivation is?

Me: Of course I do! I've read tons of novels about it!

Crowd Member 2: Yeah, but READING about it is way different WRITING it.

Me: You'll love it, I promise. I may not fully understand it, but I've got the gist. Cultivation levels, weird sounding ingredients, a snappy MC. I've got it all down. You just wait. I'll see you in, like, forty minutes.

[Before the crowd can protest any longer, I moonwalk backstage. Heading back to my little corner where I'm *constantly* popping out chapters, I settle down, ready to write.]