
The waves were approaching at me with a tremendous force. On the other hand I wasn't in my senses at all and was just standing there in the path of those huge waves. The hallway was a little lighten up and most of the part was dark. The waves hit me hard along with my comrades and the next moment I was at the depth of the hallway filled completely with dirty water. Then when I was about to get unconscious I heard a familiar voice shouting,"Hey! Xavier, can you hear me. Oh boy, get to your senses already. It just hit us one time and you already are drowning. Hey Nile! I guess we got the wrong guy after all, he's not upto it at all." The second voice replied, " I don't agree you leader, his abilities are very useful for our missions, we just have to train him." I got unconscious after hearing that. After few minutes I was in an abandoned lab with Zoe and Nile. I asked, "Where am I?, What happened to us?". Zoe replied in anger,"You're asking me those ridiculous questions. Stop it already I am very annoyed right now. For the record if you've used your ability on time we would've captured that creature. And why didn't you do something back then, I didn't know that you're have a water phobia. Or you were scared of that creature"

I responded, "Excuse me, Ms. Cooper, you were the one who dragged me into this mess. Didn't I made it clear that I am not coming with you anywhere or joining your little superhero club the day you dragged me to your headquarters against my will. So please don't say like I was the one who's bagged for the membership of you club." Zoe was even more angry, "Listen you Jerk, I wasn't doing that from my own wish, I was ordered by Mr. Hendrix. I didn't have a choice back then. So don't say that it's my fault." And thus we quarrelled a lot as much as a calm minded guy Nile would even loose his cool. Nile shouted, "Enough already you two, Just save it for later. We have work to do now. We still don't know how this water demon was created and how is this a result of time distortion. So keep your head in the mission and search for the clues in this facility, Ok?". We both agreed to him, but Zoe was still upset about what I said to her. And so I was too. Then we came out of that lab and were moving slowly and carefully along the hallway to search for something that can answer us what is happening. Then we came across a lab which was seemed to be occupied by someone. We become extra alert this time and Zoe said,"For the the moment I want everyone to do his part properly this time, I will open the door then Nile will take a look inside the lab and signal us if everything is alright and if someone attacks him he will warn us. Then comes your part Noah, use your powers with us not being frozen in time and we will analyse the situation. Is that clear?". So I asked, "How will I be able to freeze everything else except you two." She replied, "Just concentrate a little bit more and focusing on both of me and Nile and you will be able to allow us move freely too." I said,"Ok I'll do it".

Then we took our positions. Nile slowly opened the door as soon as he opened the door an old man wearing a white lab coat launched a fast attack on Nile with a Sharp lab equipment. Surprisingly Nile dodged the attack perfectly and signalled us, as I got the signal I froze everything in time. That happened because I was lacking in concentration a little bit. When everyone was frozen in time I concentrated on Nile and Zoe and released them from stopped time. Zoe said, "I think you froze us along with him too, right". I was speechless, cause I was thinking how did she notice it because she was also frozen. She said, "Come on it's not that hard to understand that how did I know, your position is different from what I knew, this proves that you moved from your position because everyone was frozen including me." So she has the brains afterall. Then she analysed that old man, and said,"I think this guy definitely has some Intel on our mystery because he was expecting someone to break in and stole something or force him to make something that created that creature. So for further solution we should allow him to move and talk. Noah free him". I agreed with her but it seemed dangerous to me to free that scientist, because he was attacking us afterall. I would be a little hesitant if I haven't seen Nile handling that attack this perfectly. So I decided to go with her plan,I freed him from frozen time. But he still was attacking us Nile was able to dodge every attack. So we let him handle it. Then when he got tired we tried to talk to him. Zoe said," Professor, just listen to us for a minute, we are here to help you. We know that you are hiding from that monster and you've made something dangerous. So we would want to know every detail about it." Professor said, "I am professor Dexter Blitzkrieg, I am the head of this research department. Yesterday me and my team have invented a liquid that can animate any non-living object. But some failure occurred and liquid gone unstable, in our initial experiments we found that the animated object created by the liquid act extremely agressive and seeks to destroy everything in his path. So we all decided to destroy the liquid by decomposition of it, it was scheduled today but the liquid was stolen last night and when we returned to facility today morning we got attacked by that water monster. Can you people help me in decomposing the liquid and to stop this madness." I was thinking that after seeing that much in one day this story doesn't surprise me at all. Zoe said, " We will help you surely sir, but I am afraid our way of doing work is a bit different, for now we must think to escape from this facility with safety of all of us."