New Beginnings

My name is Otaz; I'm a sixteen-year-old boy that has a bizarre genetic makeup with silvery-white hair, blackish-gold eyes, and a very skinny looking body no matter how much I eat it's probably due to my fast Metabolism. I'm pretty sure science can explain it (I'm not a scientist).As I was saying I have a particular body and I'm very talented in cultivation, in my world(Earth) have a unique bloodline and a Midheaven Body with three attributes(Fire, Ice, and Nature).

Body types represent the amount of talent you possess. Body talent and many things in this world are primarily ranked from Mortal (Mortal-Spiritual-Earth-Heaven-Pure) to Pure. Stuff like weapons, armor, and ability. These things also have an attribute to symbolize the power of an element used to create them. I live in the City of Sanguis. The Capital of the Sky Rain Island located 50 kilometers east of the Mainland also known as Great Divine Continent situated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You might be wondering "Why haven't I heard about this so-called Divine Continent. Its due to two main reasons because you are not from a Star-Level Sect or Clan situated on the Outside World (Humane Society).The other reason is due to not having Pure Blood (Magic Blood) in your Ancestry.

Ok enough of blood as I was saying I am from Sanguis City. I live with my Father he is not my biological Father he adopted me when I was twelve years old his name is Zhao I call personally him Mister Zhao. My mother died during childbirth and I never knew my Biological father. I still don't know if my biological father is alive or he passed away. Mister Zhao has recently gone on a Prime S-Rank Assignment from his organization a 6.7 Star Sect named The Cult Of Satanic Saints one of the 7 Principal Superpowers located across several bases World Wide due to not having enough available Elders. Mission Ranks go from E-Rank (E-D-C-B-A-S) to Prime S-Rank Missions With S-Ranked Missions needing an Elder level Personnel to accomplish Completion. The Top levels are the Patriarch and Grand-Elders with mister. Zhao being a Grand-Elder below them is normal Elders.

Recently Mister Zhao had planned to send me away to a 3.4 Star vassal-Sect of the Satanic Cult Called the Scarlet Moon Sect. To protect me from a Secret Alchemists organization called the Blood Union. It's a 5.3 Star Sect that wants me for my blood purity, because I have a robust Magical Blood Ancestry that Mister Zhao told me that I probably inherited it from my biological father who was possibly an influential expert with a venerable family background.

So later that day a boarded a USS Zumwalt a Zumwalt-class destroyer manufactured in the United States of America (USA).It was a long and taxing trip on my mental strength looking out for any sign of the Blood Union and toke about two days to reach the port of Vancouver Canada.

The next phase of my journey was traveling from Vancouver to Edmonton, Alberta. My guardians and I took a magic-powered car to Edmonton, making detours and switching vehicles when passing essential cities to distract the Blood Unions watch. There were about twenty same vehicles like the one I'm conveyed to disrupt agents. I arrived at my destination on the 4th day of my expedition to escape the Blood Union's grasp. We came at the Scarlet Moon sect that very night and entered it through a hidden underground passageway underneath the Alberta Legislature Building.

There were about thirty patrol guards on duty around the hidden underground passage."State your Identity and Business" declared the tallest guard; I knew from Mister Zhao's intelligence Agency that his name was Carl a young junior descendant of one of the Elders to serve as a patrol squad Captain to gain experience."We are from the Cult" replied my butler Jack as showed Carl Blackish-Red Emblem. The patrol squad guards all had a look of shock as Carl he pointed "this my Lords" as Otaz and the Guardians followed him through the underground passage actually it was more like a massive maze embed with magic to serve as a form of protection from clandestine attacks.

After about twenty to Thirty turns, we appeared at another waypoint close to the Entrance of the Sect."You Carl who these people" exclaimed a scrawny looking patrol guard whose armor didn't quite fit his body shape. Carl looked awkwardly at my escort and turn to whisper into the guard ears. The guard's eyes widen in horror, "forgive me, my lords, for failing to recognize you.""It's no problem, are we allowed to pass." replied Jack."Let's head out right now my Lords this way" the scrawny guard said. After about two minutes the headed out of the Passageway.

Carl and the scrawny youth went to report this to their grandfathers who are Elders while my escort and I were left stranded in the middle of the central courtyard of the sect for gatherings of sect disciples."Hello" said a brown-haired girl with sea green eyes. Wait a minute did someone say hello to me, I don't usually talk to girls how should I reply." Hey, aren't you that boy from the Cult" questioned the brown-haired."Yea I awkwardly replied. Wow, you really are as freaky looking as the reports say you are she expressed with a hint of playfulness in her eyes."Who are you calling a freak, you weirdo I voice with superiority."Ok ok, we got off to a somewhat weird start, my name is Megan my friends call me Meg what's yours". "My name is Otaz" good to meet you.

As Otaz and Meg were chatting away, behind a large ancient tree there stood two people one was the father of Meg Sect Head Louis and his younger brother First Elder Elizabeth. Sect Head Louis was a foot tall, well-built man with dirty blonde hair and sea green eyes like his daughter Meg.First Elder Elizabeth was shorter by a head a and very skinny with a long beautiful face with blonde hair as golden as the sun

They both watched from behind the ancient tree."Jack let's call a meeting of Elders in Elder's Hall" she said. This chance Liza to finally become 4 Star Sect" he exclaimed happily. That's if the Blood Union doesn't find us first, but the Grand-Elder Mister Zhao promised us a great reward" She expressed. We shouldn't let this news get, or we will be in trouble if those other vassal-Sects of the Cult find out about this" he answered solemnly. You call the Meeting while I handle these two fellows here" she answered as dashed out towards the escort.

Meg turned around to find her Aunt, "Hello Aunt Liza."Hey, Meg Liza replied."Mister Otaz, the Elders, would like to meet you in the Elder's Court Liza told Otaz."Miss. Liza before I Meet the Elders can I get changed into something more comfortable, and may I knows where I'm staying here in the meantime "Otaz responded."You will be staying in the Inner Courtyard with Sect's Elite disciples that are where you can get dressed up". Replied Liza.Ok, Lets go "I stated. As we were heading towards the Inner Courtyard First Elder Liza told me to take my escort to their temporary home. As Liza led

Otaz towards his temporary Villa located in the East division of the Inner Courtyard."Teacher" shouted a dark silhouette as it rapidly approached them."Teacher, I need your guidance in my cultivation as ran into a problem" said tall blue-black haired boy African boy wearing all black. "Julian can I come back to you. Because I need to head to a conference "Said Liza."Yes, teacher, who's this guy" asked Julian."Have you heard about Grand-Elder Zhao from The Cult of Satanic Saints? Wasn't The Cult the Parent Sect of our Scarlet Moon Sect? Yes, Julian. And wasn't Mister Zhao the receiver of the Cult. Yes, this youth in front is Otaz, was adopted by Mister Zhao four years ago. Wow, that's so cooling nice to meet you, but I need to go it's time for my Meditation bye Teacher aid Julian as he dashed to the Meditation Temple.

"He's a natural a cultivation freak, one day he will become a pillar of our Scarlet Moon Sect like Megalith's go," said Liza as she led him towards his Villa.

Meanwhile in the Elders Court

"This is our Chance to obtain more resources" exclaimed Gray-haired Elders."I agree with Second confessed Sect Head Jack. This was a crucial meeting, so where is The First Elder" shouter Second Elder."His bringing the child here to meet us had Jack replied angrily"."This guy has a lot of nerve to try to steal my sister's position in front of me" thought Sect head, Jack."What's your opinion?

Third as second turned to face her'. We should only decide this topic after they arrive."In the Meanwhile what's the identity of this boy Sect Head Louis" asked Third Elder?He is a sixteen-year-old boy, born as an orphan when mother died during labor and was adopted Grand-Elder Mister Zhao four years ago. He has a very high content of Pure Blood (Magic Blood), this is why the Blood Union is after him and also the Grand Elder promised us an excellent reward for our efforts. We might have the possibility of becoming 4 Star powerhouse then we can slowly dominate our neighbors.

During this meeting

"Hurry up and get dressed up."Proclaimed Liza as she knocked on the front door of the Villa designated for Otaz."I will be out in about five minutes" said Otaz."Ok then I will be leaving Meg to bring you to the meeting later on' Liza said as she started to run towards the conference."Wow, I barely escaped with mentality intact with that girl couple. If I had the option to be captured by the Blood Union or stay with those for another second, I would have chosen the Blood Union in the blink of an eye. On the bright side, they aren't trying to do experiments on me but being aware current circumstances will make me depressed for about two months, Why two you might ask?, Because that is how long it's going to take Mister Zhao to return.

As I was thinking about my current situation, I stepped into the shower and washed away all the filth during my journey."Ha, I'm finally clan I should get dressed up and check up on my escort

2 Minutes Later

I stepped outside the Villa and left with Meg to check up on Jack and the others. Meg guided me to an extended shaped Bungalow just outside the Inner Courtyard where the external disciples lived. I knocked on the door. For Jack to open the door and welcome me in but I kindly refused due to being need at the Conference, so I asked him to arrange for the escort guards to live Comfortably.Meg led me towards the Elder's Hall.

During this Liza arrived at the meeting.

"Sorry I have neglected my duty as a First Elder," Liza said told the Elders. It's ok, you were doing the right thing" said Third Elder to support the First Elder as they were both old friends."Where the child First Elder "Second Elder interrogated."Stop this nonsense Marc as Sect Head said before have some patience."Don't test me, Rebecca."Let's take a breather for the second, Liza where is he". Sect Head Louis declared solemnly."He's getting dressed up." said Liza.


"Come in" Louis waved his hand towards two Elders to open the Hall's door. Otaz and Meg stepped into the Hall and toke their seat beside the Sect Head and First Elder on two temporary thrones place there by servants"."Introduce you to the Council Otaz" said Sect Head Louis

"My name is Otaz; my father is Grand-Elder Mister. Zhao of the Cult of Satanic Saints. I was sent here so that The Scarlet Moon Sect can protect me from the Evil Blood Union "Otaz calmly introduced himself."Can I ask a why would Mister Zhao adopt you". How you dare question Otaz, no actually Mister Zhao's ability and insight shouted" yelled Sect Head Louis."You have gone too far this time Marc "exclaimed Liza and Rebecca in unison. "It's okay; I will answer your question. The reason Mister. Zhao values my is because I have the innate ability to learn Time & Space Manipulation and I also have a heaven level physique with Fire, Ice And Nature Attribute" said Otaz with a hint of pridefulness.No one spoke a word as the every Elder had a shocked expression on their faces. They all had seen talented youths over the lifetime but this guy was just too monstrously talented. If all Elite Disciples were to be compared with the youth they will just embarrass themselves. The meeting ended after this declaration by Otaz.

Under West Edmonton Mall (Same Time)

"Have you found any news about the kid Jacob "said a man with a cold and sinister voice shrouded in a mysterious darkness."Sir we haven't been able to find his exact location but we are 59% sure he is still in Edmonton "replied Jacob. A.

As they were talking a loud knock sounded on the dark Steel door."Come in" the man in darkness replied. A short teen ran into the room with a folder in his hand "Sir Report we have seen the boy entering the Scarlet Moon Sect 34 minutes ago "said the teen."Then why didn't you tell me about this incident Ali".Shouted the man in darkness as he subconsciously released a wave of sinister energy, it pressured the Ali and Jacob as they started to sweat."We wanted to confirm if it was him or a decoy "the teen said in a very weak voice due to the pressure of energy from the man in shrouded in darkness. "Inform the 5th and 8th division leaders about this development, and also Report anything no matter what or someone would lose their head" yelled off darkness threatens voice."At once Sir as they both dashed out of the room."Useless servants, they headquarters should sent actually professionals for this crucial assignment".

Ali and Jacob toke in deep breath as they tried to calm down."Gosh, he almost kill us" Ali cried out in fear as he thought about the near death experience."Hurry up we should immediately inform the other division leaders about this "Jacob said as they ran to the communications center."Ali what's the rush" shouted a boy about the same age as Ali named Jiangxi have to inform the division leaders but the boy entries entering the Scarlet Moon Sect's Ali a pro ached the communications Jacob was already there talking to the chief manager about the incident."Ali you have finally come explained the rest of the story to them.

In a remote village in Western China

There was a man travelling by foot towards the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal, he moved agile across the Gobi desert without needing to rest. This man was Mister. Zhao the revive of the Cult of Satanic Saints. As a youth he entered the Sect due to having the money to afford the fee for disciples, he trained in the Art of Fire and Death. He become an Elite Disciple within four of tried and become a chief by the age of seventeen-years and become an Elder within 10 years. He has held the title of youngest Chief and Elder in the existence of the Cult. He later participate dinner the election Sect Head. Winning with 60% majority and revived the Sect he retired as a Grand-Elder 50 years ago.

He smiled to himself as ashen thought about his adopted son whom he treats as his own grandson as already had children and Otaz is too young to be consider a child of his, so a grandson will fit the criteria. I wonder how that little brat holding up with the Scarlet Moon Sect. Zhao moved across the desert to sinkhole in the mountains. He calmly walked inside as looked around for signs monster activity. Monsters as in those from hell(Tartars),sometimes the escape and the Surveillance Board(a group made up of the 7 Superpowers of the world to keep order and enforce the rules) sends missions for each one of the 7 Principal Superpowers Annually. This includes A-rank Missions and S-Rank Missions for dealing with monsters and demons. When will he enter the Cult and follow in footsteps, I only have in him is because his talent is even greater than mine.

As Mister. Zhao trying g to complete he's assignment.

The 3 division leaders have mobilized there experts and resources to take the boy from the Scarlet Moon Sect but little did they know that they have already been infiltrated Mister. Zhao's Intelligence Agency

5 minutes later

Otaz and head butler Jack recipes the message that the Blood Union had mobilized 3 divisions of experts and their resources to attack from the East side of the maze, the least fortified region of the maze. Otaz hurriedly went to the First Elder and told her about his discovery. Soon the entirety of the Elder's Council was informing about this and prepared to lay deadly traps for them.

45 minutes later

The attack on the East Region began and with about 60% of the enemy being wiped out by the traps."How did they know we were coming" exclaimed man of as he checked with the three division leaders of the losses of the siege."We must retreat; the most damage didn't come the traps it come that group of bloodthirsty warriors and mages" as he pointed towards Otis's Escort."The have this confrontation but I would like to see if

They can win the next one and also we must clean out the snakes in the experts that came.