Prologue: The Performance

Croesus, The King of Lydia, who known for his wealth

~Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Camila Almada's POV

Seriously, why can't I just enjoy a very nice weekend like everyone else? Oh yeah, because I was not normal and my real job was not for ordinary people. If you were wondering what I was doing right now, I was trying to crack a safe that I was not supposed to.

"Why you guys have to give me something that was not in my field of expertise, you know, like handling a gun and daggers, sure but cracking a safe, what the hell?!" I said as I was trying to listen for the safe to crack without sounding the alarm.

"hey, it was Alfred's idea and you know why," Val said as he was chuckling in the intercom. I rolled my eyes as I know that he cannot see me. well, I will give my piece of mind to Alfred.

"And also, we have something—"

"Shh, I almost got it," I said as I was listening to the safe. It was clicking and clicking until it was opening.