Chapter 20: The Monster

Adam Florenz's POV

I don't know what came over me as I was walking, well-running actually, toward officer Dean. I was so consumed by the anger that I cannot see straight.

well, maybe I preferred it that way anyway.

Now I was in front of the desk as Dean looked up to me, knitting his eyebrows together as if he did not know that he was involved with all the shit that happened right now. I make him fucking remember.

"Son of a bitch!" I shouted before I threw my punch across his jaw as he was stumbled back. Now there was a commotion that I was punching Dean and everyone should just fucking ignored it.

but of course not. They went to see why the shit was going down between me and Dean right now.

"now you will pay for your crime," I said as I was handcuffing him as I dragged him to the prison cell that was for the worst crime that anyone can think about.