Chapter 5: The Call

Nicolas Garcia-Almada's POV

I was holding my wife close to my body as she was breathing beside me. We had it going for hours last night and I am not disappointed. I was happy, truth to be told. I was not kidding when I know that Camila has been hornier than ever.

Not that I am not hornier, it just that she was much more than me at this moment.

But right now, we were basking after hours and hours of lovemaking before the stupid phone was going off in the middle of the morning. Camila stirred before I was getting out of her warmth and picked up the phone before I was looking at the number.

It was unknown but I know who it was since it was coming from Spain. There's only one person that was from Spain and it was Timothy Rodriguez, the latest Baron of Andalusia, AKA my wife's best friend's husband.

I slid the green button before I was leaning against the headboard as I was looking at the dawn light that was shimmering in the sky.