Chapter 1: The Release

Kathleen Remes' POV

It has been 5 years or to be exact 5 years 2 months 13 days since I have been in prison for the juvenile. I have passed my birthday to be in that prison but since my service time has come to an end, I was happy to say that I get out with a new start.

"here's your thing, Ms. Reyes. Sign this form and you are free to go," the warden said as she gave me the slip for my belonging.

"thank you, ma'am," I said as I signed on it before she took it and gave me my things back.

"see you around," I said as I walked out of the office.

"I hope not," she mumbled before I smirked out of the office. I walked out of the prison faculty as I was taking in the first Sun that I have been longing for the past 5 years. I took in a deep breath as I looked into the sky.

"Free at last," I said as I was exhaling my breath while I was smiling. I can feel that someone was watching me. I turned around and my lovely servant was waiting for me with a car that was low profile.

"Milady," he said as he bowed to me.

"John," I said as I gave him my things.

"Welcome back, milady. I take that you have a splendid time?" He said as I was walking toward the car.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's go, I'm starving," I said as I was walking with John behind me.

"I'm afraid that I have to inform you that we will be staying at the summer castle of your father's. Only crown princess is allowed to stay at the main castle," he said that made me stopped in my walk.

"is that so? How things changed," I said as I looked over my shoulder to look at John.

"whatever, it did not involved me so why bother?" I said as I went ahead and get inside the car before John could open the door for me. I closed it and just put my iPod inside my ears to listen to classical music by the greatest composers of all time. Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Liszt, Chopin and many more.

"what have you done for the last 5 years, sister?" I whispered to myself as John started the ignition and drove off from the prison to the summer castle. I thought it was a long journey but I dozed off during the whole drive that I don't even know that we have arrived.

"milady, we're here," John said as he looked in the rearview.

"is it now? well, let's see the family," I said but John stopped me.

"You will be staying here, along with me as your servant and some other employees to take care fo your daily needs, princess," he said as he got off from the car. I rubbed my temple again as I took off my iPod and John opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I said as I get out of the car. I took my surrounding as the castle was isolated from everybody else and no one was around the neighborhood.

"This is nice. I could use some peace and quiet," I said as I put my hands inside my pocket of my jeans.

"come this way, milady," John said as he opened the door and the other servants took my things out of the trunk.

"This will be the hallway and the ballroom. A door leading to the kitchen and dining room, the stairs will be," he was explaining all the stuff that I know before I just make my way to the stairs.

"milady, please wait, I have not finished yet," he said. I sighed before turning to look at him.

"that hallway will lead me to the pantry and this will lead to the bedrooms. The door behind the stairs will lead to the garage and the basement. Anymore you want to add?" I said as I looked at him. He just stood there with his stoic face as always.

"very well, I see that you have acquainted yourself with this house," he said as he looked at me. I scoffed at him.

"I grew up here, remember? You're the one that took care of me," I said as I went up the stairs to avoid any more conversation with him. I went to the room that was far left in the hallway. It has been my bedroom since I was a little kid. I have come to visit this castle the last time when I was 10 years old. Then, that accident happened and I never step into this castle again. I hold the handle before I took a deep breath and stepped inside the bedroom.

I looked around the room. There was a king bed at the edge of the room that was close to the window that overlooked the mountains of Finland. There was a door that leads to the bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe to my right. I saw there was an addition of television and a set of comfy sofas in front of it.

"This is nice," I said as I went to the tv and switched it on to see what has been happening around the world when I was in prison.

"now to the latest news, Princess Katherine Abigail Remes, the crown princess of Finland has announced her engagement party that will be held tonight at the main castle of Finland. On the other hand, her fiancé, Chris Virtanen, a successful shipping magnate businessman has made a show with her at the local shopping center to catch up with each other before tonight's party. Now to the sport," the newscaster said before I closed the television.

"So, you with Chris now? How interesting," I said as I went to the bathroom to get some shower before I have to gatecrash the party tonight.

"milady," John said as he knocked on my bathroom door.

"what?" I said as I was relaxing inside the bathtub.

"The car will be leaving at 7:45 PM, sharp. Please don't be late," he said before his footstep faded away. I groaned before I sank myself inside the bathtub. The images of the accident came into my mind as I was closing my eyes. I got up from the tub as I gasped while I took my breath.

"damn it. It's okay, Kathleen, everything is in the past. Nothing will ever happen again," I said as I looked at the clock. It was 7:15 PM. damnation, I will be late again.

"Shit!" I exclaimed before taking my towels and went to my closet to get the appropriate dress to announce my release from the prison.

After 30 minutes of getting ready and went to the vanity mirror to get my make up done, I went downstairs and to the front door. John was waiting at the car as he holds the door for me.

"thank you, John," I said I get in. He closed the door before he said to me.

"have fun at the party, milady," he said before I looked at him. I smiled at him.

"you bet I am," I said before I closed the window and the driver drove off to my parents' castle for my big surprise.

The journey was not that long. I was not expecting a delay in the traffic as the driver knew the secret road for me to go through.

"here at last," I said as I looked outside the window and the country's finest and elegant castle was glistening in the moonlight. I looked at it with hatred as that was the very place that my sentence has been ordered and I have to get away from society for a very long time. When the car came to the front of the foyer, the driver said to me.

"we're here, your majesty," he said. I looked outside the window before the valet opened my door.

"Showtime," I said as I went out of the car.

"Welcome, ma'am," he said as he bowed at me.

"thank you," I said with authority. He looked at me before he gasped quietly. I smiled at him before told him to keep it a secret. He nodded before I went on to walk inside the castle.

"invitation please," the woman at the door said as she was waiting for the card.

"is my face enough?" I said as I looked at her. She looked at me before she gasped too. I hold my finger to my mouth as a sign for her to shut up.

"of course. Welcome, your highness," she said before I nodded at her.

"thank you," I said before I walked inside the ballroom. I looked around as there was not a person that I don't know. Maybe they don't know me since I don't expose myself for the last 5 years. Things have changed. I have changed but the servants outside knew me. How come? I shook my head before I went to get to my parents. I don't announce my arrival as I knew it would throw them off. They expect me to be a goody-two-shoes like my twin but I have something else in my mind.

"excuse me, do I know you?" A voice interrupted me when I was about to get to my parents' throne. I turned around to look at the person that dared to disturb me. When I looked inside his sea-green orbs, I knew that I was losing this fight at the beginning.