Chapter 6: The Dinner

Kathleen Remes' POV

It has been quite a night as Kai was spending his time at my castle. We talked about our childhood and I thought that we have made little progress with each other. well, a little. Don't get me wrong but I think he would be the great pawn for me to get to my sister.

"Morning," I said cheerfully as I just got up from the bed and took a shower. I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast as John was making my favorite pancake with lingonberry.

"morning, milady," John said as I saw Kai was eating his pancake at the table. I went to perk his cheek that made him startled in his seat.

"Morning, sweetie," I said as I took a seat in front of him.

"morning," he said as he went to eat the pancake.

"your breakfast, milady," John said as he served my pancakes.

"yummy," I said as I took the honey and poured it on the pancakes. I took a huge bite with a fork and I moaned at the delicious food.

"I have been waiting for this since I was in prison. I missed it," I said as I was eating wholeheartedly.

"then, eat it to your heart content, milady," John said as he was preparing my tea and coffee for Kai.

"you bet I am," I said as I was eating 5 layers of the pancakes.

"do you sleep well last night?" I asked Kai as I looked at him. He looked at me as he was shy or being obvious that he was afraid of John.

"I slept well. Thank you for your kind hospitality," he said as he was focusing on his food. I smiled at him as I found his reaction was cute for being afraid of John.

"milady, there was a message from Princess Katherine. She said that she couldn't make it today but tonight, your parents invite you and Kai to join for dinner," John said as he was giving me the message that she sent me. I read it and gripped it in my hands. Damn, Katherine. Always spoiled my plan.

"very well, thank you, John," I said as I put the message away and I lost my appetite after that.

"don't you want more, Kathleen?" Kai asked as he looked at the untouched pancakes.

"I'm not hungry. sorry, I have to go," I said as I stood up from the table and went to my bedroom. I closed the door as I went to step into my wardrobe. I pushed my wardrobe to the side as there was a secret door behind it. I punched in my pin and the door opened. I stepped in and went to look at my perfect plan for back up of what would happen tonight.

"Kathleen, are you in there?" Kai's voice was heard outside of the bedroom. I sighed as I looked at the plan before I closed it again and went to get the door.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem upset after that message," he said as he was leaning on the door frame. I rolled my eyes as I knew that he was being too observant that I liked.

"don't you have anything else to do?" I asked, annoyed by his very presence right now.

"no, I have the whole day off. I have the whole month off so that I can make sure my inheritance will not fall to Chris," he said as he was gripping his knuckles. I looked at him as I knew he has the same fire for his cousin as I was for my sister. I chuckled at the similarity that we had.

"don't you worry, tonight will be very great, I can promise you that and you will have the private time that will make Katherine and you will be closer than ever," I said as I looked at him. He arched his eyebrow at me as I knew he would love to hear the plan.

"So, here's the plan…" I said as I was explaining to him and he nodded about his part for tonight. This will be so much fun.

The time has come for me to get ready and Kai has gone home for the rest of the morning. We have been spending some time to make sure that tonight will make Katherine be out of Chris' hair meanwhile Kai will have some private time with her.

"Are you ready, milady?" John asked as he opened the door and I was looking into the vanity mirror as I was putting on my earring.

"almost," I said as I stood up to be in front of him. I twirled around him as I was putting on a long white dress as I was wearing a diamond necklace and stud.

"You look pretty as always, milady," John said as he bowed to me. I chuckled before taking my clutch and went to the foyer as the car was waiting for me.

"Have a good night, milady," John said as he helped me to get inside the car.

"you know I always will," I said as he closed the door and the driver just drove off from my castle, leading me toward the castle that I have despised for so long.

The car stopped in front of the front door and the valet boy helped to open the door for me. I got out as I took his offered hand.

"milady," he said as I stood in front of him.

"thank you," I said as he nodded at me before bowing at me. I looked at the entrance that made my mind triggered the unpleasant memory of me getting out of the castle to be delivered to the prison. I took a deep breath as I knew this will be extreme as my twin never saw my changed appearance.

"Showtime," I said as I went up the stairs and went inside the castle.

"welcome home, milady," the head butler. Mr. Lores said as he bowed at me. I scoffed as I knew he just said that as a formality.

"We both know that this has never been my home, Mr. Lores," I said as I went to walk ahead of him.

"But you will always welcome here," he replied that made me turned and looked at him.

"do you? How kind," I said sarcastically as I went to the dining hall.

"announcing, Princess Kathleen Aurora Remes," the announcer said as I walked inside the hall. All eyes were on me as I knew that I have been late to dinner. They were eating soup and chatting so happily that they all stopped to see me.

"why looked so surprised? You know prison can never keep me away from joining a family gathering," I said as I went to my parents' side to kiss their cheeks and greeting.

"Kathleen, how good to see you," my aunt said as she was smiling at me.

"Hello, aunt Tara. Good to see you are well, where's uncle Monti?" I said as I took a seat beside Kai to my right and Katherine to my left.

"I did not expect you to be here, sister. I thought you have some more things to do in the forest," Katherine said as she looked smug at me. I smiled saccharine at her before I took Kai's hand and pecked his cheek.

"Hello, sweetie," I said sweetly as I can sense that Katherine was glaring at me.

"Hello, Kathleen," Kai said before my father cleared his throat.

"well, since everyone is here, I have a huge announcement to make," he said as he looked at me. I knew what he was thinking about as I held my stoic face.

"since Kathleen has come back from the service time that she had for the past 5 years, I think it is due time for her to get married. Kai Virtanen, her fiancé, has spoken to me this very evening to make the wedding date quicker than what we planned," he said as he was looking at Kai. I looked at him as well as I nudged his thigh. I glared at him 'what-the-hell!'. He said to me to be patient before he explained to me. He is better.

"now, a toast to the newlyweds!" my father exclaimed as we all cheered and I made eye contact at my twin. She was smirking at me before she whispered something at Chris.

After the main course and dessert, we went to gather in the painting room as Katherine allegedly wanted to play the piano for all of us. I rolled my eyes as I sipped on my wine. It was tasty and bubbly. Oh, how I missed the champagne.

"I like the new look on you, sister. Why? Does Kai like someone that was black-haired?" She asked as she went to my side as I was looking outside the window.

"I believe it was none of your business," I said as I continue to sip on my wine.

"of course. Who does not love the goody-two-shoes Princess Katherine? After all, I'm a father's favorite daughter. But of course, Kai wanted to rule the kingdom but what a shame, he stuck with you, second class," she said as she went to the piano but I took her wrist for a brief moment. I went to her ear and whispered something at her.

"don't be so arrogant now. We both know what happened that night and yes, I am a second class but you know what I can do," I whispered before I released her and leave the room.