Chapter 8: The Announcement

Aaron Remes' POV

I was just finishing my time in the painting room when I felt like I have to go to the bathroom. I was talking to my sister, Tara, that I was determined to get Kathleen to get married as quickly as possible.

"Are you sure that would be a wise move?" She asked as she looked at me. I was smiling as I was hearing to the opera singer that Mr. Lores has brought in for tonight's entertainment.

"Tara, since when did my calculation was wrong?" I asked her as I was clapping at the singer.

"since that accident. You don't even know about that until the police caught your daughter, the duchess of Finland, that made chaos in public," she hissed as I was looking briefly at her,

"nonsense, you're being melodramatic now, Tara," I said as my stomach was making a weird sound after all. I grunted as I knew that I had to go to the restroom.

"excuse me, Tara. Nature's call," I said as I got up before Inari was looking at me.

"Where are you going, beloved?" She asked as she was looking at my discomfort face.

"I have to go. Nature's call," I said before I ran out of the room. It was embarrassing as I knew that people were looking at me but I don't give a damn about it.

After my little trip to the loo, I felt a whole lot better. When I was on the way back to the room, I heard someone was grunting and hitting on the wall. I went to take a look and I was surprised to see that Kathleen and Kai were kissing in public. I mean, not I against it but come on, those guys practically eat each other faces out. I stood in silence as I can hear Kathleen was moaning at the contact of Kai was making on her.

"Kai," she moaned as Kai was kissing her neck and jaw. Not that I don't approve my daughter being naughty in my sight but I have to stop before it went too far. I cleared my throat as I was passing by them. Kai was the one that heard it as he looked at me, surprised at his handsome face as he looked at me. Kathleen was still high on endomorphic as she was oblivious to the situation right now.

"your highness," Kai said as he bowed at me. Kathleen just came to her sane mind as she looked at Kai and me. I raised my eyebrow at her as she just rolled her eyes at me as I was passing through them. I can see that she was mumbling about me being at the wrong time and wrong place.

"I see that you have acquainted yourself with my daughter," I said with authority that made my daughter rolled her eyes again at me.

"Don't you have somewhere to be? I mean, your favorite daughter was performing after all," she said as she looked at me while crossing her arms in front of me. I cleared my throat again before I stood in front of them.

"yes, why of course. Don't you guys want to join us?" I asked them as I knew it would just tic Kathleen off.

"I don't think…" she said before Kai cut her off.

"That would be splendid, my lord," he said as he took her hand into his.

"we will be there, right away," he said as he practically dragged Kathleen to the painting room. I just watched from afar of their never-ending spat at each other before I chuckled and left for the room myself.

Kathleen Remes' POV

Oh no, he did not just do that. I thought I can escape tonight with him but no, he has to be so polite to my father that he agreed to watch my twin singing in front of the others. I just wanted to gag myself now.

"oh come on, Kathleen, it would be fun. besides, I cannot defy your father. He's the king," he said as he dragged me to the painting room.

"and I am the princess, the Grand Duchess of this land. I don't need to follow his orders," I said as I was straining myself from following him. man, for a guy that was lean and muscular, he was particularly strong.

"come on Kathleen, don't make me carry you inside like a potato sack. I would if I have to," he said as he was threatening me. unbelievable. He just threatens me, didn't he?

"How dare you such a commoner to treat me? You think I am afraid. I have Viking's blood running through my vein and I will never.." Was the last thing I said before I was rudely cut off.

"never back down from a fight. yeah, yeah, we ain't got all day princess," he said before he was about to carry me like a potato sack.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Just don't carry me like that," I said as I tried to make my appearance looked good as I knew that my twin will be watching when I entered the room. I have to go in with Kai so that we will look like we were a happy couple, just like how he kissed me and claimed my first kiss.

"shall we?" He asked as he looked at me and offered his hand.

"don't mind if I do. Let's wreck this boring party," I said as I took his hand and the servants opened up the door and we walked inside. Everyone was there, even my father. I cannot believe that he arrived earlier than us. Where's did he came from?

"now that everyone's here, let's us begin," Katherine said as she took the pieces and played the piano. She played it immaculately before she surprised us. She sang.

"We were both young when I first you, I closed my eyes and the flashback started and you're standing there, on the balcony, in the summer air," she sang as she was playing the piano as well. I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I knew that she was showing off her skills in front of everyone because she was the perfect daughter. The goody-two-shoes. I hated it when I knew that my father would adore her like no other.

"can she sing like that?" Kai asked me as he was nudging me on the elbow.

"The evidence was in front of you, why you need to ask for more and rub it in my face?" I hissed at him.

"Sorry," he said before he went to look at her. I just rolled my eyes as I knew that I can see the admiration in his sea-green eyes. I don't need to look to know that. But, the real question was that my heart ached when I knew that he was admiring her. What the hell?!

"Bravo, my dear, bravo," my father's voice was echoing in the room as I saw everyone was standing to congratulate her. I just stood my ground and clapped while sitting on the chair.

"thank you, everyone, thank you. You're so kind," Katherine said as she was looking at me. She smirked at me as I just rolled my eyes before I crossed my arms again.

"splendid. Well, that would be the end of our dinner for tonight as I thank you all for coming. Have a safe trip home," my father said. Everyone was saying goodbye and kissed each other cheeks. I was included as well. I kissed my aunt Tara and her sons and daughters that joined us for the night.

"Have a safe trip, aunt Tara," I said as they went through the door and I was taking my things as well. I was about to leave before my father stopped me in my action.

"Kathleen, may I have a moment?" He said as he took my arm and lead me to the next empty room and out of people ear range.

"what is it, father?" I asked bored.

"I need your help," he said as he was looking at me after he was looking outside the window for a while now after we were left alone.

"what? You need my help. That's unusual," I said as I crossed my arms again.

"yes, that's right. I don't know what you will react to this but your mother… she's sick," my father said that made my heartbeat stopped for a moment after hearing this shocking announcement.

"what do you mean she's sick? She was happy and up and running during this time. I just saw her smiling at the guests," I said as I don't know why my father was making this up.

"Kathleen, you know how us, royals, need to keep our guards up. We cannot let our enemies that we have a weakness. Isn't that etiquette 101 for royalty?" My father said as he was looking at me.

"so, what do you need help from me?" I asked as I was leaning on the wall after I learned my beloved mother was having a sickness that I don't know about.

"she wanted you to hurry up your wedding date. It will be held in 2 days," my father said as he was looking all seriousness in his demeanor. Now, that's I cannot argue with.