Chapter 10: The Wedding

Kathleen Remes' POV

After the unholy matrimony ceremony, we went to have a reception at the summer castle aka my home. I don't know what to say as I don't like it when people do what I don't know. For instance, my father had planned my wedding and using my home to do the reception.

"oh come on, cheer up. You don't want to be a sour puss on your wedding day," Kai whispered as we were playing the perfect host and hostess for our party.

"yes, but my father gets on my nerve," I whispered back that made Kai laughed at me. I glared at him.

"Sorry, don't mean to do that. anyway, have you heard about our honeymoon?" He asked as he was looking around. The guests were out of hands that give John a headache after this party, for real.

"no, why you asked?" I said as I looked at him. He pulled my hand lightly as I know where he was going.

"Kai," I said warningly.

"yes, my dear?" He said before he pulled me by the waist and we were standing at the center of the dance floor.

"What are you doing?" I said through my gritted teeth as I smiled at him. People might say that I was smiling at my husband but no, I was merely controlled my anger to be unleashed on him.

"it is to be expected, my grandfather was here," he said as I looked at him. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"really? You're afraid of your grandfather?" I asked as I was amused by him.

"shh, he'll hear you," he said as he put his hand on my waist and grabbed my hand in his right.

"ready?" He asked. I arched my eyebrow as he looked at me.

"do you have to ask?" I said before we started to waltz all over the room. He was turning, spinning and twirling me around the room. I laughed as I don't ever have a perfect dance partner before. Katherine always took that from me.

"mind if I cut in?" A voice was coming from behind as Chris was standing in front of us.

"I think it's due time for my new cousin-in-law to dance with me," he said as he offered his hand. I smiled as I looked at Kai.

"of course, cousin. Be my guest," Kai said before Chris took me away and I saw Katherine was coming at Kai.

"I wish I could say that I hope you will be happy but it might be a lie and you don't like liars," Chris began the conversation as we were slow dancing around the room.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as I looked at him. He smiled as he turned me around and I was in his arms. He was whispering to my ear.

"the crush that I told you about to find?" He said as he was breathing down my neck.

"yes," I said as I was looking at Kai and Katherine.

"it was Katherine and I don't think that she would ever be in my hands," he said as he turned me around and pulled me to look squarely at me.

"so, if anything, I mean anything, come between me and Katherine, I will see to it that person will suffer most," he said as his blue eyes were shining darkly. For the first time in my life, I never saw this side of Chris. He was not smiling and no other emotion that was coming from his eyes. He was dead serious.

"may I took my wife away?" Kai's voice filled my eardrum before I was out of that trance.

"yes, of course, Cousin," he said as he handed me to Kai and Katherine replaced my hand.

"Congratulations to you both, I hope that you will find your happily ever after," Katherine said cheerfully as she looked at me. I can sense chills from her voice alone as if she was challenging me.

"thank you, and to you both, as well," kai said as I was standing still in my place.

"Thank you, Kai. Well you better get going, your ride is here," Katherine said as she looked at me. I looked at her before I turned to look at Kai. He was rubbing his neck.

"Grandpa," he mumbled before the very man himself showed up in front of us.

"Kai, Kathleen, may I speak with you both, in private?" He said as he looked at Chris and Katherine. They bowed before they left us with Kai's so-called grandfather.

"Grandpa, you shouldn't have—," Kai said before he was cut off from his speech.

"Shut up, Kai. I was merely doing it for my new granddaughter, Kathleen. I hope you will enjoy my present," he said as he kissed my knuckles. Kai sighed as I looked at his grandfather confused.

"no, sir, you shouldn't—"

"Grandpa," he said cutting me off.

"Excuse me?" I replied.

"you should call me, Grandpa. It was what Kai called and so are you," he said as he looked at me, patting my hands.

"right, Grandpa, I am honored to be given a gift but you don't have to concern yourself with that," I said as I was trying to be polite to him. He waved his hands in front of us.

"don't be a silly child, you need to get some time, away with your new husband. I am sure once you get him to work, he will forget all about you," he said as he looked at Kai. Kai rolled his eyes at his grandfather.

"there's no need to deny it, Kathleen. We just have to receive it with open arms," he whispered to my ear before I smiled brightly to Kai's grandfather.

"Well, in that case, thank you for a delightful gift, grandpa," I said as I bowed at him. He replied to me as well.

"of course. now, off you go," he said as he waved his hands and escorts came inside the ballroom. Everyone stopped in their tracks as they looked at us.

"now, you need to get to the airport before any delays. Come on, go on," he said before the guards were escorting me and Kai.

"But, wait what about this party?" I said as I was being dragged by the guards.

"Don't you worry, dear. We will enjoy it while you were gone," grandpa said as he went to tell the people to continue their partying as we were being trashed out from our party.

"so much for our reception," I said as I was sitting across Kai as he was looking at his laptop,

"Hmm, mmm," he said as he was typing away on his laptop. I looked at him as we were about to land shortly.

"Are you even listening to me?" I asked as I looked at him. He was so focused that he just looked briefly at me before he continued to type.

"Come on, you can't be waiting for our wedding night together. It's just an act that they put together so that they can take their heads off from our business," Kai replied as he smirked at me. Great, the great notorious player Kai Virtanen has returned. I rolled my eyes at him as I looked outside the plane.

"So much for my marriage," I mumbled before Kai laughed darkly at me.

"you cannot be serious, Kathleen. It's all just for show and I know that it was the best act I ever did," he said as he raised his glass of brandy. I rolled my eyes at him as we landed in the place that I don't even know where we were.

"Your highness, we have landed in Greece. Thank you for your patience. We will be getting out shortly," the captain said as I turned to look at Kai.

"What did I tell you, my grandpa, really like surprises," he said as he stood up from his seat and was getting ready to get out. I sighed before unbuckling the seatbelt and follow his pursuit.

Aaron Remes' POV

finally, the day has ended and our plan to surpass those who tried to challenge us has been put to rest, for now.

"Your excellency," the voice interrupted me when I was looking outside the window and I was sipping on my champagne.

"Levine Virtanen as I live and breathe," I said as I shook his hand. He was smiling at me as I laughed.

"So, how's that head of yours? It is still hurting?" I asked as I offered him some champagne which he declined.

"well, I've been worst. It a good day for us, the Remes and Virtanen," he said as he looked at the night sky which was shining by the moonlight.

"yes, and I hope that they might be producing heir right now," I said as I sipped on my glass.

"of course," he said before he cleared his throat and his green eyes were all seriousness.

"Any news?" He said as he looked around the hall. No one suspicious, I hoped.

"I don't know, I can say for sure but I hope that whatever they planned to repeat that accident, it will not happen, not under my watch," I said as I took my sip for the last time before I put the glass down. Levine nodded at me before he smoothed his jacket.

"I hope so, well. We need to keep our guards up. Even though the plan has been carried, we never know," he said before he patted my back. I nodded at him and excuse myself before anyone looked at us suspiciously.

"Beloved, shall we go?" Inari asked as I came to her side. I kissed her cheek and nodded.

"shall we, my dear?" I said as I went outside to get to our home.