Epilogue: Reunite at Last

Kathleen Remes' POV

"have a good one," I said to the patron that was leaving Aguish's tavern after they spend quite some time from the dinner time until they were wasted. I did not have much time left before I need to pick up Sean.

"hey, Kathy?" My manager called me. I turned to look at her.

"yeah?" I said as I went to her side. She was looking nervous but she always looks like that.

"look, I know you were busy with your kid and all, but we were short on Saturday. Any chance you can make it? I double your working hours," she said as she looked at me. She knew that I would always on break on Saturday with the child that I was raising. I did not tell them that it was my son, my physical feelings for Kai.

"Yeah, okay but who will watch Sean when I was gone?" I asked her.

"I do it," Danial said as he holds up his hand high. Mr. Sexy American has been trying to work his charm on me but nothing works.

When I confessed that I was stuck on Sean's father, only then he back down from advancing on me. I smiled at him as he did just that because he loves kids and not to impress me.

"well, I guess that settled then," my manager said before I nodded at them. I looked at the clock and it was 3 AM.

"well, that's my cue. I see you guys tomorrow," I said as I went to take off the apron and went to get my handbag. It was not much like the designer that Katherine would wear but it will do for me. besides, I was not Kathleen Aurora Remes, Princess of Finland, but rather Kathy Ramos, just a lowly servant from Helsinki.

"well, have a good night," they all said to me before I went out of the tavern. I walked back to my house that I have discovered upon my first visit here. It belonged to the old lady that just passed and she had been kind enough to let me stay with her and when she was gone, she gave that to me as a present for making time with her.

I smiled as I was walking back to the cottage. I did not worry about anything. Finland was generally safe but I did have some skills that I can lash on someone if they ever tried to get to me. But in this town, everyone knows everyone and they kind of looked out for each other.

I felt something was moving in the bushes but when I looked at it, it was still. I shook off that feeling as I might think it was a raccoon or something. I walked toward the door as I unlocked it.

I walked inside the cottage and I saw that Mrs. Flynn has dozed off with Sean on her laps. I smiled as I went to say to her to sleep properly on the couch as I took Sean to his room. He moved in his sleep but I make sure that he did not awake.

I walked to his cot and I put him inside. I looked at him. He had my hair but his eyes were just like his father's. How I missed him so much.

"well, I better get going then," Mrs. Flynn said as I went outside of Sean's room.

"Are you sure to be okay walking home at this hour?" I asked her. She just smiled at me before she patted me on the shoulder.

"don't worry dear. If anything might happen, I have some pepper spray in my bag," she said as she walked out of the cottage.

"thank you for your help, Mrs. Flynn," I said as she walked to her house next door to mine, a couple of meters away.

"it's alright beside he was my grandson already," Mrs. Flynn said as I watched her go before she went inside her house. After she was safely inside, I went to close the door. I turned around and I was surprised to see someone was standing in the living room.

"Jeez, don't scare me like that," I said as I put my hand on my heart. It was beating so fast before I looked at the person who was in front of me.

"and that was the first thing that you said to me after meeting me?" His voice was still the same as I remembered it. His face was as handsome as he ever is but a bit thin as if he has been skipping a meal. I smiled.

"well, I have been expecting you from now and then," I said as I crossed my hands in front of my chest as I leaned onto the door. He was standing still as he stared at me. I forgot how his stare could make a girl squirm in delight.

"I missed you," was the sentence that he said. I looked at him before I cleared my throat.

"well, I think you might be busy to miss me when you have my sister—"

"don't," he warned me. I arched my eyebrow.

"did she know that you came here as she would be alone right now—" every sentence died on my lips as Kai was claiming my lips. I forgot how much I missed him, as his lips were claiming me, asking for the entrance that I gladly opened for him. He kissed me hungrily before I went to snake my arms around his neck. I moaned in that kiss.

"Damn it, Kathleen," he said before he scooped me over and he asked for the bedroom. I told him to go down the hall and it will be on the right. He was still kissing me as I wrapped my legs around his torso and he kicked the door opened.

"shh, you wake up Sean," I hissed at him.

"I don't fucking care," he replied.

"well, if he wakes up, we have to delay this," I said as I was on the mattress with him on top of me. Kai was smirking at me.

"so, be it but I will not let you deny me anymore," he said as he went to kiss me again.

"who said I would," I said as I kissed him and roaming his body before getting him out of his dress as well as mine.

After the carnal desire has been satisfied and I was sated, for now, we were laying on the bed as my hair sprawled against the pillow and I was playing with Kai's hand.

"I know I have missed your color from before but seeing it in its natural color, it did stumble me back for a while," he said as he was caressing my mane. I smiled at him as I was drawing something inside his hand.

"come back to Helsinki with me," he said. I sighed as I knew he would ask me. It just sooner or later, but I never thought it would be sooner.

"I can't," I said as I looked up to his handsome face. There were a few stubbles on his jaw as he did not yet shave today.

"We don't have to go to the palace but I did want you with me, in my bed, in my house, and by my side," he said as I smiled at his pleading. It did some flip in my stomach.

"promise me you would not get mad if I tell you a secret?" I said as I popped myself onto my elbow as I looked into his sea-green eyes. He arched my eyebrow.

"That Sean was our son?" He said as he was smiling at me. I scoffed at him as I rolled my eyes at him. How I missed our teasing.

"Now, how do you know that?" I asked him. He just shrugged before he was on top of me again.

"I thought you can't move anymore," I said to him as he was wriggling his eyebrow at me.

"well, since you said that we have a son already, I guess it's time for a girl now and we might as well start trying now," he said as he kissed me. I smiled into his kiss.

"Mama?" Sean's voice was filling in the air as Kai has pinned down on the bed. I chuckled at Kai as his face was scowling.

"I need to get that before he comes burst in here and saw that we were naked with you, a stranger on top of me," I said as I was looking into his sea-green eyes that I have missed so much.

"well, I guess I have to properly introduce myself then, as his father nonetheless," he said as he got out of bed and took one of my robes before he pulled me out and handed me his shirt. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"so that he knows who we were," he said before pulling me into his arms as we went to get our son in the other room.

our love story might not be starting like a romantic comedy but much more tragic arranged marriage kind of thing but in the end, I know that I would always end up in his arm as I was first ensnared by his eyes by the first time I met him. And for all I know, he might be the one that can save me as I have saved him.