Chapter 7: The Encouragement

Christina Dobulski's POV

I think this was a bad idea. I cannot believe that I failed at doing some basic stuff that a PA should be able to do. I was such a loser. I can even make the tea right.

"Maybe you should fire me and find someone else. I can only bring more trouble to you, Tony," I whispered as I looked at my bandaged hand. It was horrible and I think tears were pooling in my eyes.

"Hey," Tony said as he was pulling my chin to look into his eyes. They were warm and softened that I wanted to cry so much in front of him but I have to hold it in.

"You're not that bad. Maybe a few mishaps here and there but you were learning. Why don't you tell me more about your life in Hungary? Don't you help your parents doing chores?" He asked as he was searching for my eyes. I was looking at something else as I was feeling shy under his watchful gaze.

"Well, my parents never around to help me or do anything. I raised myself," I said as I sniffed.