Chapter 20: The Reception

Christina Dobulski's POV

And as always, when it comes to the wedding, I will be handling the guests' list. Seriously, Tony thinks that I was only fitting to do this kind of work. Ugh, one of these days I will tell him a piece of my mind.

"Hi, Hello, welcome," I said as I was checking in the guests that were coming in for the reception. It was an outdoor wedding and it was nighttime. How can it be more romantic than this?

I sighed as I was looking at the guests' list and a glimpse of what was going on. The couple was dancing as they were chatting animatedly with each other and I can see the love in their eyes. I wished I had what they have.

"So, what do you think of this reception?" Tony said as he was coming from behind. I was still looking at the reception but mostly at the couple; the bride and the groom.

"It was nice,"